Turn off

By seriously - 02/10/2010 20:31 - United States

Today, I was visiting my boyfriend, who lives 2 hours away. After about twenty minutes of glorious sex, he told me in no uncertain terms that he was about to come. He then "baaa"d like a sheep as he came. I couldn't come after that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 918
You deserved it 4 447

Same thing different taste


princess_shel 0

it's "cum" not "come". learn how to spell dumbass

Learn how to spell, dumbass* It's* Shut the **** up.

sorry it's at your expense, but... Roflmfao!!!!!

I would hit him until he starts crying like a puppy and say ya that's right I'm the top bitch lol u need to get more involved he prob wanted to play games!;)

rawpunk 0

punch him in the dick an walk out! that shit is weird.

dump him. that's way too weird, he's probably into *********** or some shit...,

He's probably from Narnia...unless you're the lightning thief???

did you laugh your ass off? I would have XD