Underfunded and underappreciated

By lrn2spel, teach - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Mogadore

Today, I got back the essay I wrote about how my country's education system is fucked. At one point, I made a spelling mistake. My teacher wrote a note about it, basically calling me illiterate, and telling me to pay attention in school instead of whining about it. She misspelled "school". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 995
You deserved it 4 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like just about everyone on this site. "You made one mistake, you don't deserve to live."


I read this and kept thinking, "Please don't be in the USA. Pleaseee don't be in the USA." But, of course it is. F this Country's Future.

A bit over dramatic? Spelling mistakes happen in all countries. I can also say from the friends I have that the future isn't completely dark. There are intelligent people in this generation and in America in general.

The US future is fine. Bad public education just keeps things the way they are. Idiotic consumers is a pretty secure foothold in the world economy.

#21, hate doesn't even begin to express how I feel about your comment.

TheDrifter 23

Why the hate? Public education was designed to keep the majority of the population as mindless consumers and compliant followers of government. It's been in place nearly a hundred years, no need to get upset now just because you finally realized it wasn't designed for students to succeed in life.

RedPillSucks 31

Public education was designed to raise the education level of the populous. Unfortunately, politicians have decided to gut public education by reducing its funding so that teacher are paid less. I can't tell you how many school systems I've been in where the teachers have to pay for supplies out of their own pockets. Poorer school systems work harder for less pay. Richer systems subsidize what the state pays so they can hire better teachers, while the poor and middle class get screwed out of a decent education. Its not the fault of the teachers.

#70 hating it doesn't make it any less true. It just means that you don't like hearing facts that hurt your feelings.

Steve95401 49
hunts19ketchup 23

Uhh... two words: spell check. And when I was in high school, teachers graded essays by hand. I can't imagine that much has changed in 5 years...

Yes, because spell check can catch when someone types "your" when the proper word is "you're". Or "threw/through" or any of the other examples of homonyms in the English language. It won't catch if you type the wrong word or leave an "l" out of "public". And there are probably plenty of teachers who know the educational system is ****** and would agree with OP. I find it ironic that when writing a note criticizing someone's spelling, a teacher misspells a word as fundamental as "school".

69 you would be surprised. Some schools are completely computerized now

CyberGothic 16

I sincerely hope that you made a photocopy of it and, in red pen, highlighted the teacher's error and wrote an appropriately non-condescending corrective message, then delivered the paper to the PRINCIPAL of the school.

GhostDuck 30

The irony is strong in this one.

She's a teacher and you're criticizing the educational system? I'd say it's easy for her to take your essay extremely personal, though it might be just in this case.

Actually, teachers are usually the ones that are the most critical of the educational system.

Talk about hypocrite! She shouldn't be a teacher.

Call the teacher out on the mistake they made