Up it goes

By 0stvn0 - 16/03/2012 01:18 - Canada

Today, my doctor booked me in for an STI test. I was feeling confident until he explained it will involve having a catheter inserted into my piss pipe. He shook his head sadly and said, "Gonna be honest Steve, the pain's beyond belief." Great. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 764
You deserved it 5 694

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the bright side....nope, nothing's coming to me.

It's worth it. You're being responsible and safe.


Honestly 111, if you're careful, having male genitals shouldn't be a problem at all. I'd honestly rather have male genitals than go through excruciating cramps and mood swings every month. Plus, the whole labor thing. That must hurt like a bitch.

Just hope they get it right on the first try!

Try getstdtested.com - same test no swab

shaka_Z_0929007 10

Don't they have home STD tests? It's less awkward for everybody if they do. Just saying...

VasilisaUzhasnaj 29

Like I said, pregnancy/childbirth is not mandatory, it is optional. Periods are absolutely horrible, of course, and usually little can be done about the pain. Since I don't have junk, I wouldn't know much about the subject, but it seems to me like a lot of males have one form of misfortune or another regarding their genitalia at least a few times a day. That or I just work with some really clumsy motherfuckers.

No it's not really that bad, the thought of it hurt more than actually having it done.

iloveyou2129 6

well steve there isnt anything i can tell u about that…

Ouch... On the brightside! You dont have to deliver a baby....

They are going to play a good old fashion game of "load the muscat" lol

Been catheterized doesn't hurt. I had a cystoscopy (camera passed into my bladder through my urethra the other year), which is basically the same thing. Apart from some mild discomfort, it was painless. Just ensure he uses plenty of lubricant as the urethra is "sticky" by design.