Wait, what?

By HereToLaughAtU - 18/11/2014 04:16 - United States - Des Moines

Today, a customer said the pants she was buying rang up more than advertised. I quietly told her plus-sizes were not on sale. The customer yelled in front of a whole line of people, "So I'm fat and can't read! Any other insults you'd like to throw at me?" and stormed out of the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 500
You deserved it 4 812

Same thing different taste

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Tell her she has anger management issues and is acting like a child. She literally asked for it.


Considering most stores put a size 10 as plus size I don't see why they also wouldn't be on sell

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Not all fat people eat junk food... Just saying.

not eating junk food and sitting on a chair all day working or whatever whilst doing ZERO physical activity can still get you fat, because your calorie intake requirement per day PLUMMETS if you do nothing which leads to you gaining fat anyway.

Pfft, tell that to my friend. She's drastically underweight to the point you can see her ribs and all she does is sit in front of a computer. Same with several others I know.

I really get annoyed when people make it sound as though it's so easy to lose weight. It's really not. There are people who exercise regularly and eat healthy food yet still struggle to lose weight. Then there are those who eat junk food and never exercise yet still stay skinny and no one ever shames them. Not everyone has enough time to prepare healthy meals every day or to go to the gym and exercise for x amount of hours every week because they work crazy hours. Plus, not everyone can get skinny because they're not supposed to. There are some people out there who are naturally curvy but they're called fat because our society has a seriously warped perception of what a woman's body is supposed to look like e.g some people call women like Kim Kardashian and Beyonce fat.

How many months of viola playing does it take to get a body to be proud of?

51. No one calls curvy people fat. There is a difference between curvy and lumpy, and tumblr doesn't seem to understand it. In order to get to be 100 lbs overweight, you have to consume 3500x100 calories over what your body needs to maintain itself. That isn't naturally being heavy, that isn't genetics. That is lazy. Some people burn more calories than others, but any stick thin person, if they FELT THE URGE to stuff themselves, can and will put on the weight.

I have a coworker you could consider "plus sized" and she's way healthier than me, who's skinny as a rail. She has five kids, works out, and generally eats healthy. She has a great ass and perky boobs (seriously how do you do that with FIVE KIDS?) and I'm jealous of HER physique. So no. Not all overweight people are unhealthier than skinny people. (as I scarf down an extra cheese and ham pizza that no matter how much I eat won't put a pound on my tiny behind whether I like it or not.)

It's not curvy, it's over weight. There is a difference.

It's also hard to quit smoking. Or drugs. Or alcohol. But just keep using hem, because it's hard!

nevergiveinever 19

hey, she didn't say she had anorexia, did she? no. I weigh 95 pounds and you can see my ribs and hip bones and basically my whole skeleton, and I eat every couple hours and sit around quite a lot except when I'm at work. she probably has a fast metabolism like I do, and who do you think you are that you can assume someone has a disease and put them down for it? shame on you.

@106: No need to be an ass. She's not anorexic, that much I know. I've known her for 5 years. She just has a fast metabolism. : @115: Thank you. She does have a fast metabolism. ^^ I once got her McDonald's once and she still didn't gain a pound.

McDonalds doesn't make people fat. Only eating McDonalds and not exercising makes you fat. One can eat McDonalds weekly if they balance what they eat the rest of the day and continue being active.

Well she deserves to be embarrassed if she did that

well sometimes the truth hurts... OK most of the time, but that's not your fault.

ADBurns 22

I'm waiting for the FML from your customer lol

Truth hurts...but then again it's the truth

the fatness is eating her brain every second of the day

Yeah, no one wins here. I feel bad for both you and the customer both. Stupid store policies

Poor lady, that must have been embarrassing for her. Maybe she didn't have enough money on her to buy them at the original price? She would have to walk away empty handed with the whole queue looking at her either way, maybe she thought if she made light of it she wouldn't be as embarrassed or if she made a scene other people would be too embarrassed to look. Sometimes making the comment yourself hurts less than someone else making it, as at least you're controlling it being said and are prepared for the judgements and stares.

sdlr32787 18

Mabey her fat eyelids prevents her from reading fine print