
By concernedsis - 04/02/2016 14:53 - United States - Atlanta

Today, I heard some gossip at school about a weird kid who supposedly jerks off at every house he visits. They were talking about my brother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 759
You deserved it 1 850

Same thing different taste

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InsanityVerge 8

you need to stop that gossip right away. blood is more important then the shitty people spreading them. Also your brother is there your whole life. your reputation will constantly change. lastely fml is on your brothers part. your poor brother

look on the bright side, it didn't turn out to be you

I wonder what kind of trail he leaves. I wouldn't think he would make it known to whomever he's visiting. This gives you the chance to tell him about it, though. Maybe, if it's true, he will change his behavior.