What a Q-tip

By Anonymous - 25/06/2013 16:21 - United States - Flowery Branch

Today, I heard my boyfriend making the same noises while cleaning out his ears as the ones he makes whenever we have sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 555
You deserved it 6 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

grahmagog 14

Clean your ears more often and you'll understand why


That shit is euphoric...I don't get off to it myself, but it feels good man. You should blow in his ear lightly next time you are intimate with him. That should really get his guns blazin

Haha I mentioned once that my ears are sensitive and now my boyfriend thinks it's hot to blow in them like a hurricane. Not so sexy in practice.

Wizardo 33

Nothing better than putting the Q-Tip in and giving it all you have... orgasmic.

onorexveritas 23
RedPillSucks 31
Wizardo 33

Yes his ears started to produce obscene amounts of cochineal fluid...

You should be happy you give him pleasure like that of an eargasm.

I think I the past life he might of been a ferengi lol