What are you doing?

By anon - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Wareham

Today, I spilled loose face powder on myself while applying my make-up. My sister subsequently walked in on me vacuuming my crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 838
You deserved it 4 579

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Explain what happened, she may be suspicious, but it's worth a try.


Tali147 16

I suppose you could try to explain what happened, but it is doubtful she will believe you... "I swear I spilled makeup! On my crotch...so I was just...cleaning up..." "Suuuure"


Who vacuums powder off their clothes? I either dust it off or put it in the wash. What exactly were you doing OP?

Most people wait until they have a few items of clothes to wash to make the most of the cycle, and if she washed it by hand there's a probability that the powder would clump and make the situation a whole lot worse. Using a vacuum cleaner is the most logical response, although taking off her trousers first would have been a smart idea.

Yeah, the vacuum would probably feel a little better that way too.

Or you could've just changed your pants..?

Her trousers would still have make up on and it would probably stain them.

She might not have been wearing pants o.O

Maybe she was going out in her nice pair of jeans on a date and it completed their outfit. we don't know if she could have changed.

alymartin 1

Maybe it was her only pair?

Tali147 16

I would think there would be no getting out of it if the OP were pantless. But that is just me.

tony1891 22

da **** wrong with you? take a shower!

cheetahbaby96 8

Da **** is wrong with your grammar?

I wonder what tipped your sister off. Was it perhaps the sound of the vacuum coming from the bathroom? I think anyone would be curious about that particular noise coming from that particular room. Was she supposed to think you were vacuuming the bathtub?

Tali147 16

Don't you vacuum your bathtub Doc?

...I literally just finished vacuuming the bathrooms in my house. And I vacuumed the tub as well since it is rarely used :$

nonnieluv 9

Some people have rugs in their bathrooms

Well don't I feel stupid now for using bathroom cleaners and bleach and stuff on my tubs. From now on, I get that residue off my tub with the vacuum.

AppallingRogue 2

Or she could have one of those markup desk things in her room, she doesn't necessarily have to be in the bathroom

It's cool op I put the vacuum on my crotch for fun.

AppallingRogue 2

Is it weird that that reminds me of scarey movie?

"I said don't disturb me when I'm cleaning my room"

perdix 29

That sucks. It would be worse if she asked, "Did your boyfriend's condom break?"

strokedturbogsxr 3

Trying to suck out the baby eh?