What are you doing?

By Ghostie - 02/07/2009 09:15 - United States

Today, I was watching a movie with my parents. They were both on the bed, and I was lying on the floor next to their bed. Halfway through the movie, apparently forgetting that I was in the room, my parents started getting… friendly. Three feet away from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 768
You deserved it 4 848

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lindsay46789 0

That is disgusting! Scarred for life!

I think you missed a great opportunity to make them feel ten times as awkward as you. Any comment or sign of disgust would have done.


rafaelaugusto94 0

most of the people say it is disgusting when its about their parents but when they watch **** its ok

speak_a_da_truth 0

So you're not opposed to watching your parents having sex? It wouldn't creep you out or make you want to bang your head up against a wall until you couldn't remember what you had just witnessed? It's not like just watching a porno it's your parents. Maybe they will make a video for you. I live in Vegas and have seen a lot of crazy gross shit people do out here, but something about the whole watching your parents just crosses that line, takes it a little to far. But hey if you're into that I think you should talk with your parents maybe they are too!

ergo_fml 13

I always wonder why people click you deserve it for these ones.

because hes watching a movie with his parents in their bedroom. Unless hes under the age of 8, unacceptable

Maybe their room had the better TV set? Maybe? I don't understand the mindset that it is omgunacceptable that someone over the age of 10 would want to watch a movie with their parents. That's bullshit.

naomi9241 0

We don't all have terrible relationships with our parents. There isn't anything wrong with him hanging out with the people who, erm, you know, pay for the roof over his head... They're PARENTS, not lepers. It's repulsive, the idea that after you hit a certain age you're supposed to turn your back on your parents like it's a mortal sin to be seen with them... A little bit, oh, I don't know, ungrateful, perhaps?

This brings back bad memories, same thing happened to me when i was around 7. Still makes me want to puke/remove that image permanently

That happened to me, too. It was horrible.

That's disturbing!! Although, be thankful that at least you didn't experience this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAHq-7HW6h0 :)

stephyvengeancex 0

Looks like someone isn't going to be spending quality time with their parents for quite some time.

That is absolutely disgusting ! I feel so bad for you.

What's wrong with people being friendly to each other?

soulonfire928 0

It's a euphemism for having sex

At least you know your parents still have sex.