What goes up…

By Anonymous - 18/06/2020 17:02

Today, I had to take my daughter to hospital because her butt swallowed her dildo. Try as I might, in the waiting area her dad and I couldn’t stop giggling at random intervals at the absurdity of the situation, so she’s probably never going to speak to us again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 297
You deserved it 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did you have to go in the back door of the ER???

Kraths 16

Honestly I think this an FML for her. My parents were never shy about laughing at the absurdity of something’s my brother and I used to do.


I mean, how big/long is the thing? Did it go all the way up inside her? You couldn't somehow help her pull it out? How old is your daughter? Why does she have a *****? I'm assuming she lives with you, so she probably isn't mature/old enough to have a *****. If she lives on her own, she should have called 911 herself and not told you at all. But the big question is, how is this possibly funny? You know some people can die from having things shoved too far up their butts, right? Look at the guy who let a horse bang him. Yeah, it's not pretty. You say she may never speak to you again - well, if she's old enough to hold a grudge like that, she's old enough to know better than to jam things up her butt.

I hope it has been explained to you now how serious this was. An object lodged in the rectum or colon can adhere to the lining of the colon, inflict tears or lesions, and cause other serious medical complications. Laughing about this is just as cruel and uncaring as laughing at someone who slipped on some ice and received a head injury.