
By clueless - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I confronted my boyfriend, suspecting that he has been cheating on me during the past few months. He vehemently denied it. Then told me it would never happen again. What? FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 543
You deserved it 3 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DUMP HIM. Cheaters never change. And he's stupid enough to deny it THEN admitt it.

Well if he admitted it, then just break up with him—or whatever your planned to do after he admitted it. I guess he reconsidered what he was going to tell you.


TrueNess 0

oh my god that sucks. one time I asked my boyfriend if he knew a girl named Amanda cause I heard he cheated on me with her and he told me he didn't know anyone by that name. then Amanda passed us and he asked me if I was talking about her and I said ya. he then said ph I thought you meant the blonde one. what? I thought you didn't know an Amanda. guys are lying jerks. sorry girl.

Thank you for generalizing every guys as liars. Because you know, every guy is the same. We all just jack off, lie, cheat, and ignore how perfect the girls are. Everyone has their flaws, best to judge them one at a time rather than throwing around generalizations.

Agreed ^ worded perfectly man. I've been dating my girlfriend for about a year now and havnt cheated once nor have I thought about it. But according to people like this, I'm either lying or its bound to happen. Its ridiculous eh?

G6chick 0

I was one of those low self esteem dummies who lied to themselves... It's a hard thing to learn; dump his ass

Lilybugg16 5

Do you really think we are that stupid? Lol you idiot.

dreaasalazar 5

Break it off before it's to late

HAHA!...Not the smartest cookie, is he? X)

yep my boyfriend actually does this all the time sadly I feel your pain. don't make my mistake dummmmmp hiiiiiiim