
By clueless - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I confronted my boyfriend, suspecting that he has been cheating on me during the past few months. He vehemently denied it. Then told me it would never happen again. What? FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 521
You deserved it 3 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DUMP HIM. Cheaters never change. And he's stupid enough to deny it THEN admitt it.

Well if he admitted it, then just break up with him—or whatever your planned to do after he admitted it. I guess he reconsidered what he was going to tell you.


AntiChrist7 0

Woman only love assholes. YDI A stupid asshole in your case, because he can't even lie properly

seriously dump his ass. If he had any respect for you at all then he wouldnt be trying to sneak around your back for some extra lovin on the side. Dont blame yourself if you do or if he tries to put the blame on you. You're better off without him. Find someone who will love you for who you are and wont treat you like shit. You deserve the better!!!

Silentknight 0

i've been cheated on thrice, and my parents are divorced because of one party's infidelity. trust me, best thing to do is give him the old Falcon Punch and move on.

It sucks that he a) cheated on you and b) lied about it, but if you continue to date him after this than you deserve it for willingly putting yourself in a negative situation. If you're smart, you'll dump his ass.

It sucks that he a) cheated on you and b) lied about it, but if you continue to date him after this than you deserve it for willingly putting yourself in a negative situation. If you're smart, you'll dump his ass.

Oh no, #2. Women will hunt us down and kill us. Okay, you can tell if we're lying. Your point? Are your senses that keen? Because, the way I see it, you spewed a bunch of garbled bullshit at us. You don't pay THAT much attention, and if you do, it's only you. What do you expect to accomplish by threatening us via internet?