By Targeted - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Kirkland

Today, just like every morning this month, I woke up, put on my clothes, looked out my window, and was pointed at by a man in a ninja outfit on my neighbor's roof. The police still can't find him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 198
You deserved it 2 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe you should change up your routine a bit? Choose another window to look out, or skip that part of your morning altogether. He obviously gets some thrill from you knowing he's there (and you checking for him each morning), so if you deprive him of any acknowledgment, perhaps he'll get bored and stop.

Marrach 7

Take a picture? Record each day for 2 weeks reading the date and looking?

Wiringify 22

Seems that you've been Targeted. Just like your username.

Maybe it was your neighbour? Trying to scare you. If it WAS a ninja - then I would say don't worry because the only reason you saw them was because they let you see them. So they are just trying to make you paranoid. Don't be. It is just some prankster joking around. Don't always be looking over your shoulder. I might be wrong - but sorry you had to go through that OP. Still funny though..

haha im sorry, but that just totally reminded me of the monkey in family guy. :D

hallucinations? or the best ninja alive?? I guess we'll never know. p.s. I want to apply to be a ninja. is there a school for that?