Who? What?

By Female - 22/01/2013 23:16 - Australia - Elsternwick

Today, the police arrived at my door, telling me my child had been caught vandalizing. A boy who looked about 15 hugged me and said, "Hey, mum." I'm only 26 years-old and had never seen this boy in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 878
You deserved it 2 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell the police that, so that they can take him to his real home and family.


I wonder if he still would've told the police i was his parent if upon opening the door i was 50+ and male

Still possible. When I was 15 my parents were 55

i mean like, i could have been a pedophile

She COULD HAVE been raped? Er, what? Last I checked, 5-11 year olds can't consent to sex.

perdix 29

Just go with it. Nobody ever gets too many hugs. Also, you don't want to be the next target of this kid's vandalistic skills.

46 - we ha a 9 yo get pregnant by her 10 yo boyfriend out here it was on the news and fairly disturbing ... We've also had more than one vase of preteen kids sending naughty pictures to each other ... They can't consent with an adult but there is no law on the books that can prosecute the kids for consenting to each other ...

I think said Peruvian girl was a freak of nature in the way she was carrying the fetus who was supposed to be her twin sibling because the girl absorbed the other fetus during development and had no chance of delivering it. I saw it on one of those Discovery documentaries like, "The Man Whose Arms Exploded". Please correct me if I'm wrong.

xsarax_fml 10

Hahaha you shoulda went with it and helped the kid out so he wouldn't get in trouble! Well, that's what I woulda done. lol

#57 That is incorrect. The girl was a "freak" in that she started puberty at an extremely early age. She actually had a 6 pound baby boy and he lived until he was 40 when he died of a bone marrow disease. The girl is still alive at 79 years old.

Jordath_Fil 11

By being a bad mother and letting her kid vandalize some place.

how did she deserve this? like what is wrong with all these trolls who YDI every. single. time.

xsarax_fml 10

Really "clame"? -.- Sometimes I think people find deliberate ways to spell things as dumb as they can...