Wicked game

By Hellohaileyexoh - 27/08/2009 04:07 - United States

Today, I went to get food. I was late so my friend ordered for me. I took a few bites and all of a sudden it got hard to breathe. I realized it was a blueberry muffin, and I'm deathly allergic to blueberries. I looked at my friend, and she was laughing, saying she wanted to see if it was true. I just got out of the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 148
You deserved it 5 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't get you said your "friend" did that. Anybody who pulls something like that and almost murders you because he believes you're a liar doesn't deserve to be called a friend.

SelecaoIX 3

You should stab her and then tell her that you heard it would kill her and you wanted to see if it was true.


Do you not look at what you eat before you eat it? See, blueberries are blue. Chocolate is brown. You can usually tell a blueberry muffin from a chocolate one just by looking at it, so i doubt this is true. Also, you only realized after a few bites? Wtf kay i get that you probably don't know what a blueberry tastes like, but COME ON. And no friend in their right mind would do that. And laugh about it. This is fake. Please try to be a bit more convincing the next time you write a fake FML. You have wasted my time.

Get her arrested for attempted manslaughter.

buffalo_9 0
tangerine_12 0

how did you NOT know it was a blueberry muffin? anyone can pretty much tell that there are blueberries in a muffin. soo...FYL for having a crappy "friend" and YDI for not noticing big blueberries in a muffin.

152, they have those muffins with the filling in them, like doughnuts but muffins....You should severely injure this "friend". kick her right in the box.

nanoflacka 0

Sue her! For the medical bills

Hellsno 0