Wish you were here

By sicksicksick - 01/06/2012 08:41 - Senegal

Today, after years of lobbying for a travel job, I'm finally in Africa. Everything I eat or drink comes violently back out both directions. When I don't eat or drink, I pass out. Essentially I have to choose between illness and consciousness. Hello, fabulous new job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 248
You deserved it 6 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well I think you should eat food rather then starve to death, maybe your body will adjust eventually.

holy ****, more people recognize that as Kelly Clarkson lyrics than a Nietzsche quote now? kind of sad $:


oh crap wrong medicine. Pepto bismol yes thats it. this is why I'm not a doctor

There must be a place you can get food without vomiting it back up. My cousin lived in Ethiopia for a few months and the only time he got sick was when he had a cold. If no one else is throwing up then it's just you.

flashback.miss 28

My advice: Give your body time to adjust. Gradually increase your food consumption. Better to have more watee than food though. Congratulations on going to Africa, though.

2 words - alcohol and (fully cooked) meat. They're pretty safe everywhere. I live on beer and BBQ'd critter when I'm in the 3rd world.

And when OP is able to stomach food, chili and garlic will kill any potentially harmful bugs in the food.

Exactly. Back in the "good old days" nobody drank water, as water would kill you. It was very common to drink beer and wine. For most of human history, we have been drunk or at least mildly intoxicated. This perfectly explaines clothing from hundreds of years ago.

Get food to be shipped from somewhere else yet still buy local food to boost the economy

I would stick to bottled water & the like. See a doctor & get well soon.

tony1891 22

Hey. at least you have a job.

olpally 32
tehdarkness 21

Drink bottled water and seek medical help. I assume you didn't take precautions... Quit eatin stuff that could possibly be contaminated and stick to pre packaged food until you get used to it. I assume you have never travelled before if this is happening. Shoulda done your research... You sound surprised this is happening...