
By Anonymous - 03/04/2009 14:37 - United States

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend and he brushed my hair out of my eyes. Then he smiled and said, "Your eyes are two different colors right now. One's blue, one's green…" I was so happy he still noticed the little things. Then he finished his sentence with, "…ya know, like a dog." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 990
You deserved it 5 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments

backseatfever 0

this is the lamest fml i've ever read.

nbrachelxo 0

I wish i had two different colored eyes :P ha. but atleast he noticed!


That is what we called a backhanded complement. The fact he noticed your eyes was pretty good of him, but the dog comment was just him not thinking. My buddys GF once asked him, "Do you think I should send my pic in to (some contest or magazine)?" His replay, "Well babe, you certainly wouldn't be the worst looking chick in the magazine." Similar situtation IMO, becuase the girls in the mag were beautiful.. but not the best way to tell your GF she is pretty

So what? Mila Kunis and Bowie have the same thing, he didn't mean you were ugly.

Hummingbird114 0

*sigh* guys are just like that. 90% of them aren't wired to be romantic, and have to be trained. Sometimes, like in your case, they make a valiant effort, but guys just aren't good at that sort of thing. But look on the bright side: at least he noticed! And there are worse things a man can compare you to than a cute, fluffy, friendly animal.

it could have been worse and ended with "...ya know, like Marilyn Manson." oh well. nice he noticed. btw: bowie was punched in the face by a guy with a ring and just has a dilated pupil, not a different colored eye. yes, i'm a nerd and i know this...

"*sigh* guys are just like that. 90% of them aren't wired to be romantic, and have to be trained. " Jesus christ, could you be a bigger example of what is wrong with girls these days? I hope the OP breaks up with him, for his sake. He doesnt deserve someone so stupid they think that saying "Your eyes are 2 colors...kinda like a dog, yknow?" is not saying "You are a dog".

how is that even insulting? I have two different color eyes and I wouldn't even think twice about someone making a comment like that

I don't think he meant to insult you. Sounds more like he just spoke without thinking.

Only thing good about this FML is comment #4 FTW!!!