
By Anonymous - 03/04/2009 14:37 - United States

Today, I was talking to my boyfriend and he brushed my hair out of my eyes. Then he smiled and said, "Your eyes are two different colors right now. One's blue, one's green…" I was so happy he still noticed the little things. Then he finished his sentence with, "…ya know, like a dog." FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 990
You deserved it 5 862

Same thing different taste

Top comments

backseatfever 0

this is the lamest fml i've ever read.

nbrachelxo 0

I wish i had two different colored eyes :P ha. but atleast he noticed!


haha, i think that is kinda funny. but i don't think it should be a fml, dogs are beautiful creatures :)

DeimosFriday 0

well at least he notice things ...

crazy_cat_lady 0

Awww LOL sometimes guys say some funny stuff. I remember I had my hair parted and pulled forward on each side of my neck and my boyfriend said, "You remind me of that purple Pound Puppy with your hair like that."

How is this a big deal at all? Definitely not an "FML" moment.

My boy says shit like that to me too. My nose is usually the first thing on my body to get cold. He just coos and says "that's so cute, you're like a puppy!" Yeah, **** you too.

#4: Today, I was wasting my time being a grammar nazi on the internet. I realized that I should be doing more worthwhile things with my life. FML

alex_vik 0

Keep your contacts separate so you don't make this mistake again? I honestly don't know what to say to this.

trickshot11 0

2 diffrent eyecolours are f***ing hot..

That was a nice thing for him to pick up on, shame he ruined it with the last words, it's nice when someone picks up on the small minor details about you, maybe next time he can do it without comments like that at the end =P

It wasnt an insult and it wasnt a rude comment. Any of you who think otherwise...you're probably some stupid girl who takes everything far too seriously. The girls on this site are morons.