You're gonna be a star

By JJ101 - 19/02/2010 11:52 - Australia

Today, I was teaching a special techniques class for ballet and was focusing on pirouettes. I was teaching a group of 8 year-olds, and one student could do perfect triple turns one after the other. I still can't do them, and I've been dancing for 15 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 229
You deserved it 6 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thighsofglory 0

It's the same thing with those little tiny gymnasts. The 8-year-old only weighs 60 pounds, maybe. I hope you weigh a little more.

if they can do that, you must be a good teacher? PEOPLE STOP BEING SUCH DOUCHEBAGS. its not easy you know! christ.


Fr0gg13 0

my brother at 8 years old mastered old school breakdancing and I have been doing it for 5 years and he can do things that I won't even try.

Today, I was a good enough teacher to inspire a girl with real talent to do well. I sulked online. FML. C'mon, you already knew you couldn't do it. Teachers are bound to come across people just beginning who are going to be better than them. The fact that you're a teacher not a performer shows that. Yeah, it sucks that you couldn't do that, but it's been 15 years. Don't hate on some kid because you can't get over it.

Don't be envious. You are a teacher. You should be proud that you have such talented students. Also, think about it like this: in American football, if one of the coaches tried to actually play, they'd quite litterally be dead or close to it. I know dancing is way different, but my point is that, as an instructor, your primary job is passing along what you know, impressing people with your students' talent and not your own.

skyeyez9 24

Kids gain skills skills faster if they start young. Plus they do not have adult responsibilities to clutter their mind or prevent them from practicing: like work, kids, cooking, driving kids to games and so on.

setter_04 0

why are you teaching a ballet class if you can't do a triple? duh

Fabby_fml 2

Well then you must be doing something right. Be glad you have the opportunity to work with a student who could obviously be great; I mean, isn't that the point of teaching?

BritneyBiohazard 0

Stop being douche bags. Most of you faggots can't turn one, let alone three. OP's a good dancer for being able to teach an 8 year old triples.

15 years and you can't do a triple pirouette? Wow, your balance must suck :P Still, kudos on being a good teacher.

"The circle is now complete. When I left you I was but the learner. Now I am the master!"

astyanax_fml 0

it's sad that your being out shinned by an 8-year old