By Anonymous - 21/11/2010 08:01 - Mexico

Today, I was walking with and hugging my girlfriend at the same time. I tried to be funny and touched her breast, saying "Boob" in a silly voice. In reply, she slapped me in the crotch, saying "Dick" in the same voice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 401
You deserved it 65 846

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whenever an FML says 'I tried to be funny...' it's like an instant YDI.


boyguydudemalema 0

oh wow, thats a little bit too much tho. what if you guys jokingly touched your bf's dick and said "dick" then he slaps/punch you saying "face"? how'd you assholes feel? even if it was offensive, i dont think it was enough reason to slap a guy's dick. its funny when a guy's dick is being slapped but it isn't when a girl is experiencing equal pain.

56, I'd react the same way if someone groped my breast without warning then tried to make a joke out of it.

*of.... let the grammar Nazi march begin

DudeImBetter 0
boyguydudemalema 0

63, i get your point, but she's his gf, so that prolly means he has unlimited boob access. except if they're just starting out.

My profile picture details the aftermath of this little incident.

You all make great points but how I see it is she thought it was unnecessary to grope her especially in public so she was showing him how she interpreted it. Commentor who was talking about pain-she probably didn't try to cause pain but just to make him feel as uncomfortable as she felt

maybe she was pissed 'cause if you roughly touch a boob it can hurt.

FMLandurstoo 9

73- unlimited boob access haha

Well it looks like you just got... Wait for it... *Puts on sunglasses* Pwnt. YEEEEAAAHHH!! Just had to try that. It's fun, you guys try it too!

#73, just because a couple is dating does not automatically mean the boyfriend has "unlimited boob access", as you put it. It's her body. If she doesn't want him groping it in public, he deserves a dick slap for not respecting her.

monkeybanana 7

She sounds like a keeper ;) hahah

Yeah really! I mean he was acting like an immature ten year old, he deserved it big time.

Bees_fml 0

That's still no reason for her to inflict physical pain.

jocelyng_fml 0

13 it's also no reason for him to embarrass her in public

She's lucky he's taking her out of the kitchen for once

embarrassment in public is no comparison to the physical pain she inflicted on him. this wasn't an eye for an eye situation, more like an eye for an arm.

everyone is oveanalyzing this wayyyyy tooooo much!! let's remember that this happened in a 10 second time period, the pain she was inflicting was probably the last thing she thought of, just like he probably wasn't thinking of the embarrassment. he thought it would be funny however idiotic, and she thought it would equally embarrass him/make him uncomfortable. I doubt they had time to analyze every little bit of everything like we are doing now.

jessicaaaax33 0

Stfu get off your mans computer and go back to that dungeon called a kitchen

I would appreciate it if you said man not men. Don't lump me or everyone else in just because of what one person did.

yummycupcakegirl 0

Who does that? You knew something was about to happen.

My bf does that all the time. We're mature enough to only do stuff like that if no one is looking. He was just trying to be finny

Yeah, I hate it when someone thinks they can do that in public.

perdix 29

You two ought to be doing TSA pat-downs at the local airport. People prefer to be screened by helpful volunteers who aren't wearing those scary uniforms. Give it a go!


thats a good thing, she wants your dick


whenever an FML says 'I tried to be funny...' it's like an instant YDI.

bigphill1333 0

Woman! Get back to the kitchen and make me a sandwich.

you look like you're in your 30s and you used an????? cmon..

111, I'm pretty sure she knows if she's 14 or not.

She defiantly looks under 16. You need your glasses.

roxasfightshard 0