By anonymous - 13/08/2011 06:58 - United States

By anonymous - 13/08/2011 06:58 - United States
By Lady Vulva - 19/09/2015 02:56
By Anonymous - 03/11/2012 01:23 - Canada - Bedford
By luckygirl - 13/10/2015 16:20 - Croatia - Zagreb
By Anonymous - 10/03/2012 07:23 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/06/2015 04:21 - New Zealand - Tauranga
By EliseV - 03/11/2014 18:56 - United States - Chino Hills
By Anonymousss95 - 10/12/2011 12:03 - Sweden
By Anonymous - 24/08/2015 18:08 - United States - East Northport
By Katrina641 - 26/02/2010 04:20 - France
By Anonymous - 18/03/2010 10:39 - United States
how did you "loosen" your virginity
It's really easy, you just kinda stretch it out, to where it's almost gone but not quite to the breaking point... Or think of it like this. Hot dog down a hallway.
The FML team fixed it. Yay?
# 5 you answer that question....hahaha
You must have taken it in the ass.
# 64, you must have never experienced a girl who's recently lost her virginity. It hurts like son of a bitch to sit after that.
97: I was just being an ass. I remember my girlfriend afterwards, I was paranoid to do her the next time lol. She said the first few times hurt like hell.
115 yes be very afraid 117 Ha
Depends on how big the dude is. Mine hurt like a mofo
@115: Don't be lol. Every body is different. For some people it doesn't hurt at all, for some it's unbearable, for some it hurts a little bit.
Same here..
Maybe you didnt have a hymen or it wasnt broken or torn yet
@187 Was it really necessary to use the adjective "extremely"? Sounds like an overcompensation...
Um nope pretty sure it says losing
He/she meant hymen. Look it up
Please be joking. You're a girl... you should know he meant hymen.
Lol o I see what you did there
would have made more sense without the star at the end
of course i know lol !!! it was just a link idk hehhe
umm, no. hymen.
no you dont understand, my point was not to correct his/her answer, and i didn't mean to put a star at the end to correct hymen to amen. the point was just that the 2 words were alike so i wanted it to look like hymen was the prayer, amen... anyways all that was a huge missunderstanding...
"somebody likes it rough"
Actually it hurts after a girl gets some the first time. I only know this because I actually listen to my gitrlfriend.
"my ****** doctor" lmao
When is taking a 20 miles bike ride not a bad decision?
I did it yesterday and feel great. I don't have torn tissue in my nonexistent ****** though.
Nothing wrong with exercise. I do 20 miles quite often on my mountain bike. It feels great and it provides a nice sense of accomplishment.
I go on lots of 20 mile bike rides on my Trek
My Great-uncle takes one everyday. No joke.
this has the most thumbs ups ever
Lol. Best comment I've ever seen on here.
It sounds like something my best friends family would do.
Pop acouple of zanex and take a few beers
Makes me glad I'm a guy
Hello donna
LOSE not LOOSE!! God dammit Internet, every single time!!
You know your a boss when people cant rate your comments :P
*loser. Lol jk
65 - That wasn't ******* funny.
It's still loser not looser because looser is the opposite of tighter -.- gosh
Say you have leg cramps and excuse yourself. It shouldn't be that hard to back down.
20 mile bike ride after a rough night? Someone didn't think that through very well
The best part about being a guy, we dont feel a thing :)
Pretty sure they know now
Pretty sure this comment would not have half the amount of likes if it weren't for creepy pedophiles on FML creeping good looking girls. Just saying.
When is taking a 20 miles bike ride not a bad decision?
"somebody likes it rough"