By sneezeattack - 14/05/2012 05:27 - United States - Aurora

Today, my boyfriend got so happy when he thought he'd finally given me an orgasm. I was covering an urge to sneeze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 027
You deserved it 4 319

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Understandable that he would be happy, not everyone knows how to make a girl come. But maybe you should talk to him about what you like in bed or not, communication is the key after all. But you should be honest, that was all, have a nice day.

jDCrackpot 7

I think you kinda deserve it- You need to teach him how to get you off, and the 'finally' makes me think you haven't. A clit isn't a doorbell, you can't just press and hope someone comes!


Understandable that he would be happy, not everyone knows how to make a girl come. But maybe you should talk to him about what you like in bed or not, communication is the key after all. But you should be honest, that was all, have a nice day.

MizzErikaHart 8

Should have just sneezed. I heard somewhere that sneezing is like an ******. Going to google verify now...

MizzErikaHart 8

It's an ****** of the face**

I agree 100%. communication is key...if you fake it your guy is going to continue to do the same thing because he thinks its what gets you off. You can be honest without being demanding or harsh. Your guy will appreciate it, he wants to please you.

I have noticed that most of the stories on FML are girls complaining obout their boyfriends. Seriously.

why thumb this one down? It's true. Stop complaining, start adapting.

Sneezes are 1/8th of an ******. Or something like that.

DobiesJS2012 9

So if a sneeze makes your heart skip a beat does that mean an ****** kills you for a split second?

xblair 11

Atleast you didn't fake it.

#31/36, half of the intimacy section wouldn't exist.

cajekraze 7

Sometimes you gotta train them

other121 2

Lmao, but it's definatly true!

kayla_ann0o 9

Maybe you should just go along with it..... Keep him happy

And have an average sex life? It's so unfair for women to pretend to enjoy what a man is doing in bed. Tell him what you like, OP, you'll eventually get a result.

I_Hug_Cats 26

women logic... and then they complain about not being satisfied.

Its unfair to both involved. Guys want to please us (unless its a one night stand, then they might not give a damn). making love/having sex should never be a chore, and if you just go with it' that is exactly what it will become.

#2 you and half the women in the world have that logic. Your saying that you would be satisfied with a below average sex life instead of a mind-blowing one. I know that I would wanna know if I'm satisfying a woman right because that's VERY important

#2, i think you need to go back to the fifties where that state of mind is still the norm. in the 21st century its a woman's right to enjoy having sex

kayla_ann0o 9

Nah my boyfriend pleases me just saying in he's that excited why ruin it for him.

78- It wouldn't ruin it for me if my girlfriend said I wasn't giving her orgasms. It would make me happier when I actually did give her one.

2-You are what's wrong with the world.

soldiat_fml 17

2 - "Maybe you should just go along with it to keep him happy?" Wow. Never thought someone would give advice like that. Please don't tell me you follow your own advice.

jDCrackpot 7

I think you kinda deserve it- You need to teach him how to get you off, and the 'finally' makes me think you haven't. A clit isn't a doorbell, you can't just press and hope someone comes!

32- Thank God you told us! I hate not knowing who is behind the thumbs up. I'll be able to sleep easily tonight :)

I would argue that a clit and a doorbell are pretty much the same thing. I can't tell you how many times I've been pleasuring my girlfriend and right as I think she's about to come, she stops, hands me a Bible, and asks whether I've heard the good news of Jesus Christ.

You can repeatedly press on it until someone comes, though!

biglittlehead 12

I want to thumb up this coment but it has 69 thumbs up and I don't want to ruin it. :/

Then show him what you like - practice makes perfect, as they say!

Devin91 20

It seems that a lot FML's on here are due to false orgasims.

You shouldn't be holding back your sneezes. It's not good for a relationship.

KiddNYC1O 20

Your head might explode. His head probably exploded too.... Lol.

Devin91 20

You should probably just tell him. That's probably something that shouldn't be kept to yourself.

Your shorts are falling, dear sir. It certainly won't please her. Pull them up, pull them up! Or someone scary will violate your butt. :D

Devin91 20

Check again bro, changed my profile pic.

Too late. You have been judged. Also, no Gusta PDA.

Lifes_a_bust 0

Yikes, you make that kind of face?

challan 19

It's just a sneeze, Op! Let it out. You need to be relaxed so you can help your body reach ******. The big question is, why haven't you taught him how to give you one? If he's been trying with no success, that's your fault not his. It's your body and your relationship. Trust me when I say that he'll LOVE the lesson.

Solution: 1.) Sneeze 2.) Tell him it wasn't an ******, and talk to about how he can help you get there. It isn't fair on either party to lie, so be honest; and do it quick.

I like your thinking. Or she could release it when she does eventually ******, so she gets a double ****** as it were? I heard sneezing is like having a mini ******.