By Anonymous - 01/08/2012 09:02 - United States

By Anonymous - 01/08/2012 09:02 - United States
By bleach bleach bleach - 22/12/2013 17:22 - United States - Las Vegas
By lonelygal69 - 19/08/2015 05:54 - United States - Stafford
By inder - 25/02/2011 16:03 - United Kingdom
By stretchy - 06/05/2013 19:58 - United States - Bethesda
By cameltoeyourface - 26/07/2010 00:42 - United States
By Anon - 15/03/2016 06:52 - United States - Pasco
By Anonymous - 15/03/2010 14:05 - South Africa
By Anonymous - 06/04/2024 13:00 - United States - Marshfield
By LondonKitsch - 26/06/2009 16:51 - United States
By disgusted - 24/09/2012 19:16 - United Kingdom - Harpenden
Well somebody has to do it if you won't.
Once he has reached his goal he will be completely independent and will no longer have a need for the female species. OP, I'd take a ride on that disco stick and see if you can change his mind before it's too late.
It is nasty but why'd you post it on my thread?
The thought of them gives me the creeps.
I do it, I don't care what anyone thinks.
45- I guess you don't understand the Cleveland reference.
Well Kendall does it have anything to do with my thread?
...then you ask Chuck Norris to Do it.
He could always just get a rib removed.
34 - definitely just read that in Cleveland's voice. Made me lol Your ribs are not what prevents one from being able to suck ones own rob. It's your spine that would need to bend more for it be possible, ribs have nothing to do with it. That stuff about Marilyn Manson getting ribs removed to do that is bs. He may very well have gotten ribs removed, but it wouldn't have allowed him to do that on its own
Wow, already broadcasting himself as a pornstar?
Well this fml kinda blows ._.
I've heard that the main cause of cheating is because ones partner cannot do the job. Your husband seems to have found another solution, you should be thankful op! Now make sure you suck that dick better next time, because if yoga fails, he might find someone else who does it for him...
Beat me to it
Well done number 1
I doubt that, # 210.
228, shh, you're just jealous of 210s awesomeness.
Am I the only one wondering how she found this out?
Marylin Manson much??
What do chakras have to do with the FML at all?
If everyone loves chakras, everybody hates Chris.
Chakra sandwich is good! Yum.
If you want to suck your dick, just have your floating ribs removed.
Tell him just to get rid of some ribs, problem solved :)
Marilyn Manson?
Noob would it make you gay if you sucked your own dick?
If your motive is to do homosexualy then yes
Her husband wouldn't be gay. He could be bisexual, or just like masturbating that way. If he was gay, he wouldn't have a wife, and would be with another guy. Yes, there's always the possibility that he's in the closet, but honestly?
It's just a form of masturbation...
I remember reading a FML about a woman who's husband of some odd number of kids, and husband of 7 years told her that he was gay and the only way he was able to achieve an erection was because she looked like a man.
Maybe he's using his wife as a cover up. You never know sometimes.
Ionkiye if a man wants a penis in his mouth he is either gay or bisexual
Noob I remember that FML
Noobsquad - No. If a man is sexually attracted to men, THAT makes him homosexual (or bisexual if he is attracted to women also). Autofellatio is a form of masturbation, not gay sex.
Sucking your own penis may still be masturbating, but you can't say that you aren't gay or bisexual if your sucking a dick and liking it. And I know this is gonna get thumbed down because I'm arguing with docbastard.
*you're And it's your own dick! And every time you jack off, that means you like a penis in your hand. So that's the equivalent of jacking another man off, right? Of course not.
No, it's going to get thumbed down because you're dead wrong. Sucking a dick doesn't make you gay, especially if it is your own. Look up "homosexuality", and nowhere in the definition is "If you suck a dick, you're gay" found.
Just wait 'til some of you guys ********** and think-- I must be gay 'cause I'm enjoying stroking this penis in my hand. I'd love to know what ends up going through your head.:P Happy petting!
Perdix it would make you auto of all you did was hand anal and giving yourself blow jobs. Now of you had sex with other people no you wouldn't be auto you'd be masturbating.
Im really not gonna argue because the truth is you could ********** with your hand to heterosexual **** and people aren't gonna think you're gay, but if you're sucking your own **** (obviously you can't see the ****) then people will question your motive.
And there is your problem, Noobsquad - who the **** cares what other people think your motives are? If someone thinks you're gay, does that make you gay?
No it doesn't make you gay, because someone thinks you are, but you can't say who cares, because as humans are emotions will make us feel like it matters that someone thinks we are something that we are not, for example if I told everyone docbastard sucks his own dick and everyone believes you are gay you would care wouldn't you?
Docbastard that was a good argument.
Noob apparently the moderators don't want to listen to you...
I wonder why the mods deleted that thread.
155- They can have a girl suck his dick on stage?!?! Isn't there a sanctioning body ******** bricks about that?
How do you know OP is a prostitute?
Wow 136, that escalated quickly...
Exactly. Enjoy spending time with him then really enjoy how cut his abs will be from all the crunches he'll be doing trying to get into position.
let and watching him look comoketely ridiculous. im assuming you have tried fulfilled his desire with your own umm abilities
Same.. Can you retype that for us?
English please?
Doc! Your Idiot English Translation Engine is gonna get a workout today!
Well... I think what was trying to be said was, "let him do it and watch him look completely ridiculous " .... I assume that everyone gets the rest... ??
Woah... Grammar is important as well as spelling...
It's already been working on it for 10 minutes! Stand by... *whirr* *bzzz* *click* *DING!* "Let him try, and watch him look completely ridiculous. I'm assuming you have tried fulfilling his desires but don't have the, um, abilities. Isn't huffing paint fumes through a used diaper fun?" You're welcome.
Once again doc comes to the rescue. Where would we be without that amazing translator?,that's where!
Don't knock it until you've tried it! But yeah, pretty pathetic.
I think that's a sign that you "suck" at sucking the schlong
I think it's more like OP is lacking on schlong sucking
Or maybe OPs husband prefers strong male lips wrapped around him instead?
You know I've heard guys say that if they would they could, but I've never known any of them to put effort into it like that. I'm not sure if this is an fml or just very odd.
10- of course it's an FML, because its on FML. And plus do you mean if they could they would?
I heard a rumor that Marilyn Manson cut out a few of his ribs to be able to do it. Yes, that rumor is false, but it damn sure is creative. OP's husband, take a hint.
I'm a MM fan. I knew that wasn't true. Re-read my comment.
Well somebody has to do it if you won't.
Maybe somebody isn't doing their job enough...