Next step

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after my son graduated from nursing school which I, as a single parent, paid for with blood, sweat, and tears, during his grad party he was asked what his next step was. His response was, "Eh, I kinda realized I hate nursing." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 925
You deserved it 3 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he finished. I'm a nurse and knew a few who quit half way through. He's always got it if he changed his mind later.

He should have known at least half way through is courses that he didn't want to be a nurse.


theten_fml 9

*SMACK* "Someone get a nurse! My son is hurt!"

That's ridiculous if he really didn't like nursing he would've realized sooner instead of putting you through all that crap.

fthislyfe 22

He realized that NOW? I dropped medical school the very first year to avoid this. But my parents wanted to force me to continue study medicine. Maybe you did the same thing. Or maybe your son is just too stupid.

This is why it's stupid for parents to pay for tuition. They take it for granted. When my kids go to uni I will be putting my blood sweat and tears into my retirement fund.

Surely he knew what he was getting into before spending $$$$ on a 4 year course...

I'm in 8th grade also....I think ur pretty

You didnt let him finish "but im doing it for my "insert mom/dad" cause "insert he/she" is awesome!!

LiyIa_fml 8

Your son is an ungreatfull little bitch. Smack him and kick him to the curb, maybe then he'll realize what you went through for him.

Lol way to find a subtle silver lining!

young_stud 14

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Graduation party is sooner? Seriously? You think that's not too late? Don't breed.

****! i accidentally thumbed this up....

fthislyfe 22

OK I will thumb it down on your behalf.

Stonedmanalex 0

42 - Lol your on the internet man

Yeah you would. Spending your life to become a chef and then bam! You don't want to do it anymore because you might die for getting mistaken for a slice of cheese and eaten. It's okay bro, "I haz ur bak!"

^^lolwut? Don't worry mr.sassypants I still love you!! (no ****) Your comment probably had some deeper meaning I didn't understand.

He should have known at least half way through is courses that he didn't want to be a nurse.

Sounds like its a... *puts on sunglasses* Terminal career YEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWW

xosportsgirl14x 8
JennyBear101 0

Ya totally I mean and to have the nerve after he know how much time hismom spent to pay he tuition that he says he first to be a nurse UNGRATEFUL

At least he finished. I'm a nurse and knew a few who quit half way through. He's always got it if he changed his mind later.

Mornai 32

At least he has the experience and could possibly get such a job if he fails in the vocational world even if he doesn't like it.

Buttsexpirate 9

Beat the love of nursing into him with a stethoscope!

leadman1989 15

Then why didn't he switch his major while in college? If he hated nursing or "mursing" if you will.

mishkaroni 15

I see what you did here and I lol'd nice!