By Anonymous - 09/12/2011 18:44 - United States

Today, our Christmas tree was damaged beyond repair after my son and his friends borrowed it for a little experiment. They tied balloons to the branches and tried to make it fly, after seeing a similar video online. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 615
You deserved it 3 553

Same thing different taste

Top comments


ArmedcrackerR6 8

Sounds like you raised a genius.

Haha sounds like it but I have not, it's just a saying.

hockeydominatorc 0

The only way he's a genius is if it worked...did it?

You know you failed as a parent if they tried tying it to your house like that movie "up"

Sounds like the next great American physicist to me; plant the seed and it will grow into a beautiful that may fly away, but still he's just a boy and it's just a tree, things will be okay ; )

Sounds like the next great American physicist to me; plant the seed and it will grow into a beautiful that may fly away, but still he's just a boy and it's just a tree, things will be okay ; )

n_epic_fail 14

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

How would one "repair" a Christmas tree anyway?

linkinpark98 23

Bahh, who needs a new Christmas tree when they could keep doing this in thier backyard? :D

dr_octagonapus47 4

was made by SkoomaKi. Thought I'd finish that sentence for you.

beachbabe830 0

I take it, it didn't work? But hey know you won't be curious anymore, I know I've always wondered especially after seeing Up

yohooooooo 5

No obviously it did and the tree came flying back down from the sky.

quicksilver19 4

Yea that movie was the "squirl", best

tylersign 11

The son seems like he'd be pretty young. So that comment was ridiculous.

Take it out if his allowance, or not buy him something to replace the tree. Just because he might be young, doesn't mean he should learn to take responsiblility for something he did wrong.

33- it's a wide spreading epidemic... dear god

I'd love to know how old OP's son is. This is funny under any circumstance, but how hilarious if her son is like 35..?

Her son is in his late 80s but suffers from Benjamin Button Disease :D

PuffDaddy395 3

When is a Christmas tree ever not beyond repair?

Ya haven't u ever seen a Charlie Brown Christmas?

LezBiHonest 7

You always gotta try things you saw on the Internet....always

SpruceDread4578 13

Not always. I'm sure you don't want to recreate "Lemon Party". :/

ninjuh_wingman 29

This sounds like the Christmas version of Up.