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By jacobscrackers - 01/08/2010 18:06 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend decided that a good time to have our first kiss was on a roller-coaster, right before a huge drop. He bit through my lip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 920
You deserved it 5 885

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I'll bet that was a real letdown.

Through the lip ? Ouch.... well atleast it was memorable.


snagglepaste 0

Ha, FAIL #2!! You deserve it, no one cares.

RecklessJellyBea 7

Consider yourself lucky. Most girls don't get to experience such an intense kiss

sports_chika 0

omg! ouch! the rest of the rioller coaster must have been horrible!!!

dickster 0

And you decided it was a good time to kiss back??? Both FYL because that really sucks and YDI because you apparently leaned close enough for him to bite through your lip and solely blame him.

xiShawnx 0

man, trolls suck, but u suck at being a troll. damn you doubly suck. you should go away ): haha jk bout the last part.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

It's a new type of piercing :D

Silkie 0

this sounds like a funny story people will tell if you and your boyfriend het married.

thats why they say youll never forget the 1st kiss

Melaniee_fml 0

don't complain that was a really sweet idea

KingOf69 0

why the **** did he bite you he must be retarded it's not that hard to give someone a kiss on a rollercoaster

BoyFromTheFuture 0

when he said you look good enough to eat he meant it;) did he follow this up with some fava beans and a nice chianti?

gangstalife4me 0

Surprise lip biting > surprise butt secks


how could u and your boyfriend reach each other on a roller coaster!! *Long Necks Maybe?*

Well, every relationship has it's ups and downs.

Through the lip ? Ouch.... well atleast it was memorable.

ralphgragasin 0

I'll **** u on a roler coaster!!!

LightningLadyy 0

That's a compliment coming from Avenged Sevenfold. Take that offer.

Avenged sevenfold is the best! R.I.P. the Rev.

LightningLadyy 0

88, I know. Those are my friends little sisters posters. she had millions O.o

perdix 29

I'll bet that was a real letdown.

lol! good way to look at it. sucks for you op!

You could say he bit off... *puts on sunglasses* More than he could chew. YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!

haha 50 ftw but the idea of it was romantic it just didnt turn out as hoped :S

50, well played. But, isn't it usually the Miami dude on here that does those? :P

It takes two to tango. You didn't have to kiss him back. Don't blame it all on him. You could have avoided it. YDI. (but sorry about your lip)