By fernie vazquez - 10/06/2012 09:16 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I went to meet my girlfriend's parents at her sister's play. The moment I introduced myself, I realized that her father was my probation officer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 369
You deserved it 20 496

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stuner56 22

Have fun with that. Just don't do anything bad & show him you have changed

This is a perfect example of an oh shit moment.


stuner56 22

Have fun with that. Just don't do anything bad & show him you have changed

Probation officers are there to help you and try make sure you go down a better path. Show him you can stay on the straight and narrow and I'm sure he'll be fine with you dating his daughter

flashback.miss 28

**** u and everyone else who needs probation **** **** ****

Hey 54, not much in the forgiveness and realizing we're-all-human-and-have-the-capability-to-change departments are we?

baddawg365 0

Depending on what he did like as a teenager if he got caught with weed or something that isn't harmful but it is illegal then I'd be ok with him dating my daughter. But if he's a screw up who is repeatedly going back to jail or getting in trouble then I would not be ok with it.

TwiztedYuri 9

also 54 doesn't realize that as people we make mistakes. and do stupid shit sometimes. No one is perfect.

TwiztedYuri 9

those are called parole officers. probation officers are for minor offences or juvenile delinquents.

You realize Op doesn't rear the comments right? You sound stupid giving advice

fromthesuck 8

The ignorance of half the people hear is rather depressing. Think about being in the fathers shoes. Is there anyway in hell you'd be okay with your daughter dating one of your probies? Sorry op but you're gonna on egg shells for quite some time.

95- how do you know op doesn't read the comments? If he is posting on fml then he might read them often.

95- how do you know op doesn't read the comments? If he is posting on fml then he might read them often.

The fact that you don't know the difference between "hear" and "here" is kind of depressing too... And honestly, I think it depends on what OP did.

If it's a minor offense, I don't think the father would be too angry. I'm Assuming OP is just a teenager that got caught with weed or alcohol or something stupid like that. If OP is a repeat offender and has committed a larger offense, then the father has the right to be worried.

Did anyone else realize that 38 said the dad would accept OP " as his daughters girlfriend", or is that just me?

128 I saw that too. I wonder if it is a girl though

TarieBoo 2

this is always your comment-.-

What kind of stupid person would dumb instead of working things out with the father to have a better relationship from now on.

I was just continuing the combo.. But now a new word comes to mind.... Dumb.

FYL, but yeah I totally agree with #1. Show him you've changed, and if he's a decent person he'll realize and accept it. (:

Does anyone really want their daughter going out with someone on probation? Probably not. I just hope he doesn't absolutely destroy your life. BTW OP I hope your on probation for something very minor.

Looks like you have to be extra good. Be a gentlemen and earn your probation officer's trust and respect.

Dr0reos 8

Small world eh *shudders* I can already feel the thumbs downs

I would actually say this is a very interesting situation that her father already knows a very large amount about him and how to contact him.

This is a perfect example of an oh shit moment.

thejewishfuhrer 17
jordan3194 0

Give that man a *******...

luckyd880 12

I think it's more of an fml moment...hence..the fml

Principessa101 20

Whoops. good luck with that.

PYLrulz 17

Looks like daddy found out his lil angel likes bad boys

Oh, daddy issues for sure. But shouldn't the probation officer be posting this FML? ;)

Past few years; Horatio Cane, lieutenant CSI: Miami. Present time; Horatio Cane, jobless.

He's probably trying to spend a few of all the millions he made in the last ten years

Maybe then he knows you have been clean? I guess that could be a good thing. Just don't screw up, you will be in hot water then :D