By Anonymous - 30/10/2011 13:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
By nohalloweenforus - 31/10/2016 15:22
By halloweenless - 01/11/2010 13:14 - United States
By Anonymous - 08/11/2010 01:05 - United States
By trick or not treat - 31/10/2009 22:26 - France
By candice - 01/11/2011 09:09 - Reserved
By Anonymous - 30/10/2010 23:55 - United Kingdom
Halloween, the long wait
By androidjezus - 03/11/2019 18:30
By nocostumeforme - 29/10/2011 16:01 - Canada
By Username - 04/12/2010 21:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 02/07/2011 04:46 - United States
Top comments
No you didn't
I hope sirin moderates your comment. And op that just sucks I wish I could find free pumpkins.
Ydi who buys pumpkins when people leave them out on there porch for free
Let's see how much I can fit in my pedo-van!
^ you mean ice cream truck, right? *winks awkwardly*
Of course! What was I saying? *winks slightly more awkwardly and does a cheesy 1980's point with finger*
what do the 1980s have to do with a finger point?
I feel scared. Mommy! Help me!
I could imagine someone with the frizzy hair and stuff just like sit back in a chair and nonchalantly point, whatta bamf.
We saw each other at a camp thing and things didn't go to well but we were still happy. At the camp thing though afterwards two older guys told her they like her and she freaked out and I told her it's nbd she has me.. She was mad for some reason. Then she had dad problems and I talked her through it but the next night she did it again so I told her to listen to the advice I gave her but she broke up with me.. Then she took me back cuz I 'changed'. Two days later she finds a guy that was nice to her and made her realize that I was mean to her a long time ago.. She breaks up again but were not over each other yet five days later a guy asks her out and she says yes. After a nine month relationship. and so I chewed her out and now I apologized through her home phone cuz her dad blocked my # and she blocked me on fb. Yuuuuppp.
Thank you for the relevent story, 129.
Thank you for the relevent story, 129.
Thank you for the relevent story, 129.
OMG it's an enonymous clone!... Or evil twin.
Like a boss. Wait..nevermind.
FML users I need your help because I'm to lazy to research this question. Where did this phrase come from (like a boss)? By the way i think it's overused but that's just me. :)
It would've taken you less time to google that tyen it would hace to type out that comment.
62 this is true :( I'm sorry, but I was hoping a troll could answer it out his/her rage from my question...thank you 64
why did u wait the last minute to bye pumpkins??
Watermelon pie? Sounds scary!: P
I think it actually sounds good. ^ ^
Well in Florida,pumpkins rot ever so slightly faster than you other places apparantly,I live in Florida aswell and can usually expect the to rot 3-5 days after carving. I could see buying one in advance and not carving though...
Why do you type in caps?
Maybe you shouldn't wait til the last minute to buy pumpkins.. Edit: someone beat me to it
Sad isn't it?
Free pumpkins, 10$ each Fool-detecting advertising
and how many pumpkins did you buy?
Uhm yeah they do. Well some anyways.
And you clearly don't understand sarcasm?
My sarcasm radar is down. Care to explain?
I didn't say YOU were sarcastic I said YOU didn't understand sarcasm. And you call other people dumb? Her original point was CLEARLY sarcastic.
60,either you are wining at being a troll,or failing at everything else.
Why would you pay ten dollars for pumpkins? Unless they are a special type if pumpkin that's way to expensive..
It's because OP went last minute. They always jack up prices of things last minute because they know people will buy them anyway.
I always thought the opposite. They're dirt cheap at my store because they want to get rid of them. After Halloween they're useless except to the ones that know how to make pies, which aren't that many. Most buy them made already (I would think)(:
Well usually prices go down after. Like I go buy Halloween candy after Halloween because it's dirt cheap and useless after Halloween...
Haha, I've gone to get 1/2 off Halloween costumes to prepare for next year or role play;) never thought to get candy because I end up with so much anyways. But the pumpkins are super cheap at my stores right now. I can't imagine them being any cheaper other than ex: buy one get 4 free! (:
Roleplay? What? You have some closet secrets I wish to know now.

Ydi who buys pumpkins when people leave them out on there porch for free
I know right! Why adopt a child when they roam the streets alone on Halloween... for free?!