Don't let them get you down

By Anonymous - 03/04/2012 17:48 - United States - Tucson

Today, I went to McDonald's and ordered a Happy Meal with a girl's toy. The high school girls behind the counter said I was too old to be served one, and I had to go home and explain to my sick daughter why she didn't get her toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 300
You deserved it 5 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jillianmathers12 13

That is so sad! I hope you complained to the manager!

You need to call corporate cause even adults are allowed to order and enjoy the happy meal. They'll give you a free meal


jillianmathers12 13

That is so sad! I hope you complained to the manager!

Complain!!!!! Best idea ever ( not sarcastic)

I work in mcd, and we are NOT allowed to tell someone what to buy or not to buy

'Tis sad indeed. However OP, I relish the fact that you care so much about your daughter, but lettuce not forget that many of the teenage pea-polls that you will meat working at McDonald'a are indeed aloaf, and often filled with baloney. Sorry, I just like food puns that have a peal, all though I often get canned for bad ones. Am I spreading this on too thick? If this were up to me, I would've recommended the seizure salad. It's a real knock-out, and it will help her feel batter. I'll be frank, and not let this go any furtur.

If I had to guess I'd say that cashier got weirded out by all the men coming in and asking for mlp toys and decided to stop giving them out lol.

Congratulations Cad6. You've finally succeeded in making a punny comment. Hopefully this one isn't thumbed down just because of your history of bad puns.

When someone buys food it doesn't mean it's for them. Sometimes people buy it for their kids or friends. For the cashier to act like a bitch and actually think that it's for him, she is an idiot.

CrazyJolteon 0

It's McDonalds since when has complaining helped at all?

You need to call corporate cause even adults are allowed to order and enjoy the happy meal. They'll give you a free meal

omnomnicon 9

And free meals solve everything! Right?

sqeakyclean 7

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My bad, I misunderstood the post. You still ahould have complained to the manager or something. Or gone Madea on them, crashed through the front of the store, and taken the toys

I agree with the first post, all she had to do was explain that it was for her sick daughter, idk why people always hesitate to explain themselves

She shouldn't have to explain herself. They have ZERO right to tell her what she can/cannot have. Last I checked fast food was not a controlled substance (though it should be in some areas).

I can imagine the little girl looking down at her food and shaking her head. "You have failed this task. Now, get your ass back and get me my toy. "

aus1095 4

That doesn't make sense. You should go back and throw down lmao. Hope your lil girl gets better...

Eh, McDonalds toys aren't that great. When I was younger, I got bored of them really fast.

Agreed, unless the toys have gotten better. I say you buy your little one a punt load of kindersuprises, that should take her mind off the happy meal!

MackenzieWells 0

Highly disagree. You my friend have no imagination.

Urbanchiller 0

It's not about the toy, or how YOU feel about it, it's about the little things that put a smile on sick little girl's face.

Still. She still should have been given a toy.

Dude, right now they're doing My Little Ponies, Ponies. No way do you get bored of ponies fast...

jDCrackpot 7

I'm pretty sure that not being served a happy meal is not actionable under civil law. Why is it that there's always some git on here that thinks the solution to everything is to file a lawsuit?!

KiddNYC1O 20

Judge Judy would ridicule you with a lawsuit like that...

Vampire, please thrill us all with your legal knowledge and explain how he can sue over this. I'm waiting with bated breath etc etc. Idiot.

Believe it or nit, this case would probably hold some ground. I'm not encouraging OP to do so, but I've seen people win lawsuits for stupider reasons. For example, a while back a man sued a car dealership because when the dealer told him the RV had Cruise Control, the idiot thought it meant the car could drive itself. He went on the freeway post purchase, put the car in CC, and proceeded to get up and walk to the restroom. Needless to say the RV crashed, and he eventually won the lawsuit.

PYLrulz 17

You only deserve a YDI if you didn't have a word with the manager.

Or at least explain it was for her daughter -.-

Go back and complain to the manager that it was for your daughter. Bring a picture along with you. Get those bitches fired.

redneckEMT21 2

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PYLrulz 17

The OP could have still ate the happy meal for themselves, and given their kid the toy

Ummm, some kids deserve a special treat now and then. Now the FML doesn't say how OP treats his/her child while they're sick, but that doesn't mean she just feeds her daughter a lot of crap. Lastly, OP never said what disease OP's daughter have. By sick, she could mean she has the flu, cold, cancer, leukemia, pneumonia, or whatever.

redneckEMT21 2

Leukemia IS a form of cancer. Why list the same thing twice? And if they did have something that is more serious than the flu or a cold or a stomach virus, people usually say so rather than just say "sick"

Haldami 2

Since when does McDonalds qualify as a special treat? If she's sick maybe she should be given something that will make her feel better, not kill her.

I don't like to defend the large corporations such as McDonalds, but is ONE meal going to kill her?

They can't do that I would be like bitch give me my happy meal :p