By Anonymous - 13/09/2015 13:21 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, while eating at my college cafeteria, I started thinking about all the awful crap going on in my life right now, and I started sobbing. Some guy at another table started snickering at me, at which point the guy I like said, "Give her a break. If I was as fuck-ugly as her, I'd be crying too." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 891
You deserved it 2 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope whatever was on your plate ended up in his face.

They're just another waste of oxygen. Keep your head up.


They're just another waste of oxygen. Keep your head up.

friedpwnadge 25

That's when you get up and royally kick their ass.

I hope whatever was on your plate ended up in his face.

Or just let them know that you're crying because your eyes hurt from glancing at them.

Or go up to them and say at least my personality isn't as ****-ugly as yours

Both assholes. Sorry you have a lot of stuff going on that's making you cry look for somebody better though who can support you through those times

Woah, you better have stopped liking that guy on spot after what he said. That's just cold. Sorry OP.

People who feel the need to put down others to make themselves look better are the ugliest people of all, OP. I hope things get better for you soon.

It depends on the circumstances, i.e. if they killed your family and you cut off their dick and they're crying from pain, feel free to laugh; if you're laughing at some random person crying in the cafeteria, than you deserve nothing more than hell

Talk to someone at uni OP. The student support teams can be really helpful if you are feeling stressed out! It gets better, keep going :)

Anyone who treats you like that is not worth having feelings for. Don't let them get you down, OP. I'm sure you're beautiful inside and out.

cooltatgar 31

I guess you don't like him anymore now.

Who the hell is that mean and immature in college? Don't mind them, OP! In the meantime is there counseling you can go to help with the crap going on?

NightOwI 9

Sadly, some people never grow up...