Work sucks

By Anonymous - 08/07/2011 19:43 - United States

Today, I'd just finished cleaning the bathrooms at work when I saw a young boy go in. Of course, I thought nothing of it until I had to use the bathroom myself ten minutes later. The kid had taken a shit and missed the toilet completely. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 409
You deserved it 2 646

Same thing different taste

Top comments

saIty 17

I miss 84% of the time because I'm cross-eyed.


bravesfan112233 0

he's a little kid give him a break

Andrew1122 0

that sounds like quite a shitty situation.

missbays 1

I feel like if a kid is old enough to use the bathroom alone then he's definitely old enough to not shit everywhere.

Oh, stop with the thumbs down... They're just a few shitty puns...

2ndSucks 15
rallets 22

#66 youre wayyyyy too late bro

Jammy01jams 2

36 - you would think so. But after goin in to take a piss after my friend and stepping in yellowish water. I now think differently. We're effing 16. And that's not the only childish thing he does, can't make himself food without completely destroying the cleanliness of the kitchen. It's like having another little brother but this one is retarded and my age... sigh.

lostintime94 5
TheRealHouse 7

find him and make him clean it up with his hands, that will teach him!

Fricking kids these days have no respect for anyone.

Pinkkmissymoo 7

yeah. no shit. thank you captain obvious. /:

saIty 17

I miss 84% of the time because I'm cross-eyed.

Upyous 0
orangeduck 6

how can you miss while sitting, I guess he ***** while stand?

OMG, did you, like, literally LOL? Like, literally? OMG, me too sister!

bigmanj28 0

Did you yell out" SHIT!!!"?

kraine0712 2
PSQ91 6

These shitty puns are dumb as shit, goddamn shit!

felah17 6

Quit that shit already!! : P