Weird guy

By thinkimquitting - 25/06/2012 21:49 - Australia - Yarraville

Today, my boss grabbed my arm, raised it above my head, closed my other hand into a fist, and pushed it into his armpit. After staring at me for several seconds, he winked and left without saying a word. This isn't the weirdest thing he's done, and I'm actually starting to fear for my safety. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 246
You deserved it 2 584

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Might want to consider getting a rape whistle.

You should quit the job or file a lawsuit.


You should quit the job or file a lawsuit.

IsAbElLiCiA20 6

I just have one question after reading that awfully creepy FML.. How the HELL is he a boss doing weird, random, uncalled for shit like that?? FYL... I was very disturbed reading that, I couldn't even imagine that happening to me in person, let alone having to take orders from that wack job.

IsAbElLiCiA20 6

I just have one question after reading that awfully creepy FML.. How the HELL did this person become a manager doing weird, random, uncalled for shit like that?? FYL.. I was very disturbed reading that, I couldn't even imagine that actually happening to me in person, let alone having to take orders from that wack job.

xk75 4

Odd behavior is one thing, actual physical manipulation of a subordinate's body is quite another.... I don't think a call to a local employment/labor lawyer office is a bad idea.

zakkyzebra 11

Anyone else wondering what the "weirdest" thing their boss has done?

"A lawsuit just because the boss does odd things?" Considering those "odd things" involve the physical grabbing and manipulation of a person's limbs, then yeah, it's considered physical assault (and possibly even sexual assault if the boss is doing it for sexual reasons.)

Sounds like he might have obsessive compulsive disorder. Or he has an armpit fetish.

xXxIracebethxXx 14

#100 - I don't think you quite understand OCD is... Spelling out the whole thing didn't help your lack of knowledge, either.

22- Honestly, You need to stop replying on comments if your reply has nothing to do with the comment..

You must be an American if your first thought is to sue the guy.

Would love to see her work in The Office

godofswag 6


Might want to consider getting a rape whistle.

If not, try the anti-rape condom for women, if you've never heard of it, check it out!!

Even better.. One of those backpacks with alarms!

But if rape whistles prevent rape, aren't the creators of it just putting themselves out of a job?

19- they are theoretically good... With one major flaw... You still end up being raped! You might. Might catch the rapist but that doesn't mean the girls life isn't ****** up over it. Why I say might, I doubt you actually totally need a doctor to be able to take it off...

Good work, 32. You're ripping off of Bo Burnham's comedy. It's a stupid observation, and not meant to be taken literally. Rape whistle manufacturers aren't in it for money. They're in it to.. oh, I don't know.. prevent rape, maybe?

32 - Obviously you're trying to make a joke, but it's not funny. Here's why: Rape whistles don't always prevent rape, and certainly don't prevent rape attempts. It's ignorant to suggest that. Rape is a massive cultural/social issue that a whistle isn't going to fix. It was stupid and incredibly insensitive to suggest that if someone were able to wholly prevent rape, they should choose not to if they could gain financially by not preventing it.

DigitalFusion 4

You should quit the job AND file for a lawsuit.

Smart, I wish I thought of that sooner.

Smart, I wish I thought of that sooner.

You should copy the first comment AND be unoriginal.

FMLshark 12

They posted two seconds after the first comment. They had the same idea. How shocking.

baddawg365 0

The first comment said 'or' this person is saying to quit 'and' file a lawsuit. Much different implications.

BunchieRules 31

117 - I agree that this could have been a reply to 1, because putting the emphasis on "and" made it sound that way. But maybe 2 didn't notice 1's comment because they were only two minutes apart.

mpj13 8

I wanna hear the other stuff he has done

I know me too. As long as there is no ball or boob grabbage I don't think theres anything to worry about

TheDrifter 23

I dunno about that, it sounds like he's sizing up the restraints in his unmarked white van and this was just a clearance check to see if she could reach the door.

xblair 11

Weird bosses, FML wouldn't be complete without you.

27 - is that a real tattoo pic. If so...nice! Great looking tat!

I wanna hear why OP allows him to finish doing the weird acts each time... instead of telling him to piss off..

79, you seem to be very familiar with his situation... Are you perhaps, OP's boss?

zebrax1992 1

Well, you know. YOLO Just kidding.

1215116a 14

It is never acceptable to say YOLO. Even if you are kidding.

I swear this stupid ass abbreviation will be the final words of the dumbasses of my generation.

Yolo is just carpe diem for dumb people

aleeshttylXD 9

ahahahah I thought it was pretty funny

YOLO is turning into the new "hey guys watch this!"

CockAsian 14

YOLO is an invalid statement. You live everyday. You only die once.

Don't you dare "YOLO" me 5, I'm a ******* cat!

YOLO You Obviously Lack Originality ******

MorteEtDabo 5

Before stupid people of my generation starting saying YOLO did you think you were going to live twice? >.

The **** is with people and "YOLO" it's like the word SWAG aka "Secretly We Are Gay"

hockeyoceancity 13

Awwe the first comment.... You should have waited longer to pick a better one. :) Good luck next time!

"Like omg that is so disgusting like he touched a guy eww." Really?

I meant because he shoved her hand up his armpit, ass.

Maybe you should.. I dunno. Tell him? Otherwise you could always call HR and say he's making you uncomfortable in your workplace if you have that kind of support available. If not, FYL.

the_anti_hipster 7

Something tells me OP's boss isn't going to respond to verbal requests unless it involves latex paint and a safe word. FYL op!

ohcoolstorybro 14

Come on, you know you like it

At least we don't fantasize about my little pony for the love of God!

hockeyoceancity 13

I think it's his armpit you have to worry about...