All the FMLs

Morigyn tells us more.

This one's mine! Kind of weird to see it here. Anyway, the vet did several (pricey) tests to find out why my dog drinks so much and pees everywhere. The title pretty much nailed it, he's an asshole.

MidnightMusic53 tells us more.

MidnightMusic53 37

I didn't realize my FML was published. It was flooding in my area, I live low to the ground so the rain quickly started to pile up.

jasonrellet tells us more.

So I know he was wacko but what I didn't know was that he was confirmed Insane by a psychiatrist. She knew and told me a lot about him, when I told him I was moving out at the end of that month he threatened to kick me out and dump my stuff in the street, he also kept my entire deposit. I later found out that the money I payed him to rent the room was used to go to bars and buy his beer. After that month the electricity and gas and water would have been shut off.