All the FMLs

theinfiniteend tells us more.

Nah, he's not a jerk. I'm not too mad, it was just kinda embarrassing at the time. Anyway the guys always been really forgetful and disorganized, plus he's retiring this year too so I guess I'm not hugely surprised lmao

Emmereen tells us more.

It didn't sound like they were, but I suppose I can give them the benefit of the doubt.

crazy_bananas tells us more.

crazy_bananas 31

Hi OP here! I'm going to explain a few things since 300 characters isn't enough to get the whole story down. I really appreciate all the nice comments, and I loved how many of you wanted it to be high school or early college students! But first to all the people who say I deserve it and I should have expected this because I'm going into a teaching profession, **** off. I'm talking to you #30, 36, 39, 40, and 42 and anyone else who comments on this at a later time. Just because I'm going to be a teacher doesn't mean I deserve it. I also never said I didn't expect it, I knew what I was getting into when I decided I wanted to be a teacher and learn in a a younger age group setting. Okay! Now to other things! To answer the most comment question, no these aren't high school kids, these were 5 and 6 year olds. This was a kindergarten level class and it was the first day of the year, so I knew that there were going to be tears and some icky things were going to happen. I fortunately brought an extra pair of pants with me I changed into them so I wouldn't have boogers on me all day. The kid who peed their pants was sent to the nurses office so their mommy could come bring them new pants and underwear. And the kid who was crying for his mommy cried so hard that he threw up a little bit so he got to be nurse buddies with the kid who peed their pants. His mom brought him back to class and luckily he had calmed down enough and didn't cry when she left again. He was just going through a little separation anxiety but once he saw that the day was going to end at 12, and he would get to play games and be told stories he was super chill and ended up loving being in class. The worst thing about this whole situation was that the teacher was outside with all the parents when it all went down, so I had to deal with the debacle by myself. Admittedly though, this was a great learning experience that I'll be sure to learn from when I have to run a classroom by myself. However, I will not be teaching little kids at this young an age, I'm aiming for 7 and 8 year olds or high school student. Hopefully, with high school kids I won't run into a similar situation!

CyberPsycho tells us more.

UPDATE: I called the manager and told him about my encounter. He wants me to come talk to him about it further but I'll admit that I'm still kind of embarrassed to go back to that store....