All the FMLs

ApplePie1994 tells us more.

OP, here. It was his stomach that didn't fit, you nasty. The dressing gown was pink, with butterflies embroidered on the breast. He looked absolutely fabulous, darlings.

DidNotExpectThat tells us more.

OP here. My wedding was 3 weeks ago. Thanks for your kind comments, but no my mom wasn't drunk (she never drinks). I had a long conversation with her and my dad. Turns out she couldn't keep it to herself any longer. I'm no longer mad at her since she told me the whole story. Both my parents always told me a lot about their deceased best friend whom I'm named after. I'm actually that friend's daughter and my family took me in when both my biological parents died in a car accident when I was 3 months old. In a way, I know my biological parents through the memories of my adoptive parents. I've never suspected a thing since I have two little brothers and I kind of look like my mom. Telling me and everyone I love at my wedding was a way for her to honor her dear friend and 'share' that special moment in my life with her.

ladams94 tells us more.

It wasn't a science degree... Just called a Bachelors of Science. I have food cooking experience as well as customer service experience but thanks for your input. Bye.

mbbcjuliet tells us more.

This is my post. I didn't have enough characters to fully explain. My sister is married to a verbally abusive guy who she has been trying to leave for a while but hasn't had the courage. They have 3 kids together. She met this guy on line and started talking to him as friends which developed into more. I don't agree with her cheating but that is a lesser point for me. I've tried to do some research on this guy and keep finding lies in what he is telling my sister. That is why I think he is catfishing her, not because of the picture. I have his number because she asked me to text him to say her phone had broken and she was getting a new one. He started flirting with me almost immediately, which is how I "accidentally" got a picture of him just out off the shower. I'm trying to help her move out on her own but I don't like her thinking this is a good guy. Thus my dilema.

AnotherLilyBart tells us more.

OP here. To clarify, I'm actually not an unhealthy or excessive weight but I'm trying to get back to a size where I feel better about myself. Also, I thought I had bought the leggings in my size but the packet was mislabeled. To the other points, I do wear underwear and when I wear leggings, I pair them with a skirt or tunic so that no one is forced to appreciate my bounteous behind.