All the FMLs

phalangesenfuego tells us more.

phalangesenfuego 11

OP here. Just to clarify, I'm not offended that people mistake me for a lesbian. What bothered me was the assumption was made based on what I feel are stereotypes of what a lesbian should be (single and childless). I do support ALL my students with whatever they come to me with, be it family issues, bullying problems, etc, and I feel privileged they feel comfortable enough to come to me with these things they are struggling with. And thank you for all the positive comments. Sometimes teaching is a thankless job, and positive support is few and far between.

jennaaa01 tells us more.

hey guys, OP here, and thank you all so much for the well-wishes. I forgot to log in before I posted the fml. I had a meniscus repair surgery, actually the second time I've had it done. I'm loving all your puns though. and to those saying to take the stockings off for a short time, my doctor wants me to keep them on until tomorrow, so I'll have had them on for a full two days. I'm not allowed to shower yet, seeing as my surgery was yesterday and he wants me to wait 48 hours.

pohoon tells us more.

Hey! I usually wake up quite early, but I ended up staying up till 11 since I got really nervous. It was my dream job and I messed it up pretty badly. Luckily, they contacted me a week later to reschedule after I embarrassingly told them the honest truth.

AllyK_shawol tells us more.

hi OP here again. cost of living is not included in the scholarship at all. no it is not more than the tuition of course but it is still sadly too much. for the field i am going into, i will end up getting a doctorate degree so going to a CC would not be a wise choice at all.

StolenCarz tells us more.

Was able to get it recovered, the perpetrator is now in jail :) thanks everyone

estrelladam_fml tells us more.

estrelladam_fml 1

Hi, it's OP there. I'd like to give you more details because I always like to know what's behind a story. I didn't register before today, and in fact never thought i'd be published. My father doesn't live with me, fortunately. He lives in a house divided in two. The other half is occupied by his brother, who pays the bills (and isn't very happy about it!). He is retired and has no debt. He doesn't pay for the house insurance either, and managed to get his taxes lowered, though he still complains about it. He buys a lot of books and newspapers, which is fine for me, because after all, he does what he wants with his money. But I'm bothered because he doesn't pay for anything in the house, which is deteriorating. Every time I try to talk to him about he complains that he has no money and that I don't understand. It's very frustrating for me because I have to pay for myself everything he's not, and I earn far less. Besides, as he lives far from me, I have to pay for travel and accommodation every time I visit him. Well, that's the story behind my FML. Thanks for your comments, some made me laugh