All the FMLs

Dobche tells us more.

Dobche 8

OP here: Result - negative. Why I didn't know about the cooking issue - well, it wasn't an issue for the last 4 years when we lived abroad. It seems it is a recent skill loss, like since we came back 3 months ago and found a place to live near his parents.

johobus28 tells us more.

As embarrassing as it was to learn the actual meaning, I have to agree with you guys. I probably should have looked up the actual meaning before using it. I can usually deduct the meaning of a word pretty well without googling it, but that evidently was not the case here. Fortunately, I never used it on major, college-acceptance essays or anything. Only minor high school assignments. I'll be sure to google a word before I use it next time! Thanks for my first FML guys

thekyledavid tells us more.

Hey, OP here. I just thought that you guys might be interested in knowing that the contest was actually rigged. One of the judges and the winner were in cahoots, and they halved the prize money. They were found out and had to return the money. I still wasn't ranked high enough to win though, but at least now I lost to someone who submitted actual art.

TheDenmarkian tells us more.

Unfortunately, she said she has no idea why she kissed me. She said she is confused and doesn't know, and I told her to think about it. She said she just didn't know, but it was probably to test the waters. She did enjoy the kiss, if that makes up for anything.

18emikot tells us more.

We have a Chihauhau and a Springer. The Chihauhau rarely goes out and only has a few teeth left so I doubt she could hurt someone. Our Springer is a sweetheart, she's all bark but no bite. Whoever she goes out she wears a bark collar and the remote is always by someone's side. There are no protruding branches in our driveway. None. We trim them regularly.

danimal_crackerz tells us more.

danimal_crackerz 26

Hi, it's the OP here. I'd just like to say, thanks for all the laughs in the comments, may have made the trip down to the ER worth it. Looks looks like no kind of coffee is in my future, after this happening my first time trying it, after being prodded by an older sibling who brought me (to the bar). I'm sure this will be a story to laugh about for years to come - and a lesson to all: move the cup first. ?