All the FMLs

nottheuglyfriend tells us more.

OP here. Lol, no, after a while we cleared things up. To be honest I set my self up for this because I tend to make the weirdest faces I can on purpose when someone takes a picture of me. They didn't mean it to be rude, they were just having fun with my strange photos. We set up a contest with all of us and now I'm the one photoshopping them ;D

jesterinperil tells us more.

OP here. First off, yes this was my performance. We'd been preparing some of the hardest pieces on the selection list for three months and had to perform them in front of the toughest judges in the state. We received a standing ovation and the top score possible, but it really hit hard when I saw my mom sitting there idly. We were all enjoying our results within the band so I tried not to let her negativity bring me down that much, but she could have at least said good job without being asked how we did.

prewald92 tells us more.

OP here just to clarify a few things. The position was just part time supervising other cashiers and making sure they get their breaks on time. I've been with the store two years now but life goes on. As for college I take all my classes online and any classes I have to take on campus I have down to just going one day a week, so I can get hours to take care of my daughter.I was more offended by her comment but she can think whatever she wants.

Becca34 tells us more.

Hey, OP here. My grandmother has NEVER had a filter. My father has told me all sorts of stories from when he was a kid. After I went home, she felt terrible and called my dad to tell him that she was sorry. My sister, who's really my stepsister, has always been skinnier. So is her mom, sister and brother. It's part of their genetics. I've known them since I was little and think of them as my blood family. I've had body issues in the past, and that's probably the main reason it hurt so much. I still love my grandma, no matter what. Thanks for all the nice comments guys!

pabj208 tells us more.

OP here. Thanks for the comments everyone, you'll be pleased to hear that today I did phone up the restaurant posing as 'a member of the girl's team' (which is technically true), as I didn't want to identify myself. I can take a bit of banter as much as the next person, and although I'm sure it was meant as a joke, it certainly crossed a line. I thought I'd say something to his manager in case he repeated his actions to someone less capable of standing up for themselves than me! You never know who he might try it with again... The (female) owner was horrified and said she was furious with the waiter, who had apparently worked there for 20 years. She'll be having a chat with him later on and offered me and 'the girl' (also me!) a free pizza each. I don't think I'll be taking them up on the offer! Oh, and my team were lovely about it- after the shocked silence they all agreed that he crossed a line and were very supportive :)