
Watermania tells us more.

Watermania 9

Believe it or not, I'm OP and this was posted on my tablet, I'm on my phone now (I'll post a picture of the other account if u don't believe me). Anyways, we were staying with a bitter old woman who believes "everything I do is right" (her words). She started screaming at me for being "disrespectful". This isn't the first occurrence of her messing with me only, and she's even purposely burned my food in the oven for not cooking it her way. Hope this helps

weirdfridgelady tells us more.

Thanks for support and backup. Because I am aware of the risks of TSS but I just simply didn’t have time to change my tampon, and yes I had a pad also. Also the first time it’s happened to me, so just a bad and very messy day, I’m usually much more hygienic with those sorts of things.

Amanda G Rich tells us more.

Amanda G Rich 23

Well time to add another fml to the list. I chose the anonymous option....clearly not anonymous. Well I should explain further since it's out in the open now. I've had bladder issues since I was a kid from wetting the bed to CONSTANT UTIs. About a year ago I got a massive infection down there that no doctor could diagnose until finally I found one willing to actually test me properly, the gynecologist world sucks by the way, and boom positive for ureaplasma. The infection went on for a year and I was treated for BV and yeast infections regularly but the pain was still there. After my diagnosis and it being cured I had a lot of damage and needed to see a physical therapist. So I've done the exercises, I've tried holding it, and I currently have an appointment scheduled. And although I'm absolutely mortified of my current state, that doesn't mean I'm saying I'm worse off than others. I'm sorry if it came off that way.

Dustin Allen-Duwayne Lakey tells us more.

Dustin Allen-Duwayne Lakey 16

OP here. Yes my sons name is as long as mine, but it doesn't make anything easier or harder. My memory comes and goes with good and bad days. Wishing it would get better but not much of a chance there. Bad thing is I'm only 24 years old.