By uneducated - 07/03/2010 00:49 - United States
By mrrichkid - 06/03/2010 01:05 - United States
By rippedoff - 04/03/2010 14:09 - Australia
By sdauner - 01/03/2010 21:55 - United States
Snitches get snitches
By komp6390 - 28/02/2010 13:16 - United States
By Julia - 26/02/2010 05:04 - United States
By arirx12 - 25/02/2010 22:29 - United States
By compguy - 25/02/2010 15:39 - United States
By creditwhore - 24/02/2010 19:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 24/02/2010 04:22 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/02/2010 16:38 - United States
By Ambar - 15/02/2010 17:02 - Canada
By extants - 11/02/2010 20:13 - United States
By Vastu - 07/02/2010 17:42 - Nepal
Vastu tells us more.
By Maxwell - 04/02/2010 10:47 - France
By taxed - 02/02/2010 13:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 01/02/2010 05:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/01/2010 13:16 - United States
By Sheggie - 30/01/2010 05:06 - Australia
By dani1104 - 29/01/2010 08:49 - United States
dani1104 tells us more.
So I'm not lying. The window repairman came today (after I paid $130) and said that some spring or something in the window frame was worn out. Boston had some very strong winds the day the window fell out, which pushed it out of the frame. I was on the floor doing a puzzle of Fenway Park if you needed to know.
By boned - 27/01/2010 05:25 - United States
By tinaburrito - 26/01/2010 21:33 - France
By Anonymous - 22/01/2010 02:49 - United States
By bankergirl - 16/01/2010 07:22 - United States
No refunds, no returns
By Gabi - 09/01/2010 18:00 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 06/01/2010 18:19 - United States
I'm not dead, I swear
By Arsinoe - 06/01/2010 00:02
By handi-crap - 05/01/2010 17:28 - United States
By MelMayle - 05/01/2010 16:32 - United States
MelMayle tells us more.
I recently graduated from college and moved in this brand new unit / my first apartment, which is in a different state. I figured the rates were just low and the apartment was energy efficient. Come to find out, my bills actually exceeded $100 and $200 some months... I just don't understand how the customer service reps at the utility company, nor the complex--who was paying my actual bill the entire time--did not catch it sooner, especially considering they would be more familiar with how the rates run. But my biggest problem: They taking so long to catch it, drove my bill up. Had I been aware of my actual usage, I could have easily reduced my usage.
well. the maid cant pay because we give her 15$ PER month. and we cant deduct it because... IN rural places of Nepal , where my servant comes from, one family consists of 9/10 sons or daughters .. so that 15$ directly goes to her HUGE family.