Alas, poor little dude

By Anonymous - 12/11/2010 18:23 - United States

Today, my six year-old daughter discovered the family's pet rabbit in the basement freezer. The rabbit had died almost a year ago, and we'd stored it in the freezer, intending to bury it later. Here's to the trauma of losing the family pet. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 759
You deserved it 44 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xThatAsianGurlx 0

At this point, you may as well get it stuffed and mounted on the wall. It will surely be a welcomed mantlepiece come Easter time.


NekoHakase 0

That's disgusting. Sorry, but dead pets are not to be kept in the freezer. Never mind the health violations, it's just serial-killer-esque and creepy as heck.

lotuspod 0

not really it's more respectful to free an animal and burry it when the ground unthaws than to just toss it in some dumpster or ditch. and they may have just forgot about it

If it was a full year, then OP missed the time of year when the ground is thaw. Still disgusting because a dead rabbit in your cellar should be pretty high on your list of priorites.

This....serves me up a bitter memory personally... How can you just forget that you were intending to bury it? Unless you DID bury it. In the freezer. So you wouldn't see it and be reminded. The poor little won't be easy to get over this one.

yourlifesfucked 0

In soviet russia, dead bunny freeze YOU!

perdix 29

Go for the trifecta by making a stew of Mr. Cottontail. Therapists give discounts for multiple traumas.

StartTheParty 0

I think you need a therapist. What are you going to do next time when you go outside or something and get busy? Put it in a shed, forget about it until the next year and then open it up and have a god awful smell from a decaying dead body for a year? Is this going to be an ongoing process? My god, do you have 50 of them? Is there going to be 30 dead zombie rabbits downstairs when somebody's nephew goes for a popsicle? Are we going to have to call HOARDERS and report your zombie rabbits to clean them all out one day? God. Get it together.

RedPillSucks 31

Does anyone remember the rabbit in Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

I *warned* you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no, you *knew*, didn't you? Oh, it's just a harmless little *bunny*, isn't it? I loved that scene :)

jjames7543 13

Guys, no one was intending to eat the rabbit (or at least I hope not). It was probably during the winter when their rabbit died, and if they live in a cold enough place they couldn't have dug through the soil because it may have been frozen. So instead of having to call the same people that would have to dig graves for people (which would cost an unneeded amount of money), people that live in these places keep their dead pets in their freezer until it's warm enough to dig a nice little grave for it then. I am glad I live in a hot city :P

pooper19 3

Did someone tell you this or did u just make it up? it's not normal to put dead pets in a freezer no matter where u live.

jjames7543 13

well said 36 StartTheParty you need to see a therapist because you can't understand things that make perfect sense your being arrational.

*irrational. I'm not a grammar Nazi, but yeah.

funzcpl 0

what kind of sane person keeps an dead animal corpse in the freezer? that's gross. and serious for that long to boot! your nasty

Forgive me if this is a ridiculous question, I have never been a pet owner... But is that what you do with dead pets? Not store them in the freezer I mean, but you bury them yourself? That seems really unpleasant - not just the death, but handling your own pet after its died. I mean, don't pets generally become like part of the family?