Alas, poor little dude

By Anonymous - 12/11/2010 18:23 - United States

Today, my six year-old daughter discovered the family's pet rabbit in the basement freezer. The rabbit had died almost a year ago, and we'd stored it in the freezer, intending to bury it later. Here's to the trauma of losing the family pet. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 759
You deserved it 44 679

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xThatAsianGurlx 0

At this point, you may as well get it stuffed and mounted on the wall. It will surely be a welcomed mantlepiece come Easter time.


... and when you need to save up for the funeral when grandma passes away?

what parent freezes dead pets... think people!

wow you must be from Mobile, Alabama you honky tonky white trash lame hickville bitch! you scum

The kid didn't notice that the pet was gone for a YEAR? I bet she mustve been REALLY sad when she discovered it

TempestRain 0

Ahahaa you was trying to make rabbit stew!!! hope I am your therapist when your child needs it. could get rich off of you. lol

you lazy *****! it died a year ago and you were going to 'bury it later'?

adoraaaa_fml 0

Today, upon opening the freezer in search of the creamy frozen treats it tends to hold, I found the bunny that my parents told me ran away a year ago. He was dead. FML. - your daughter.