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And you may ask yourself…

By birgz - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, my roommates sent a relationship request to my one night stand with my Facebook account. She accepted, and sent me a long message confessing her love for me. I can't remember her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 335
You deserved it 21 663

Top comments

If you don't remember her, then maybe you can have another one night stand. It'll be like seeing her for the first time. Just ignore all of the proposals for marriage and you'll be fine.


Midrash 5

Maybe he should bang her again and it'll bring back some memory.

She doesn't love you after just 1 night, she's confused. Talk to her and be honest / realistic. Orrrrrrrrrr....... Block her. I'd go with option A though.

Or try and get to know her, who knows? Maybe you'll really like her..

Am I the only one who sees the female gender icon and is thinking "WTF!".

83 - not really. i was thinking shes a lesbian..

Never exchange names or other information to your one night stands.

Ops room mates got a funny sense if humor, sounds like something my brothers would of done

He can't remember her 106, so couldn't answer if she's hot or not.

If you don't remember her, then maybe you can have another one night stand. It'll be like seeing her for the first time. Just ignore all of the proposals for marriage and you'll be fine.

46- Even if she was looking at OP's pics, that doesn't change the fact that OP doesn't remember her. Also, you either have the best poker face ever, or you obviously didn't see the sarcasm in my comment.

I don't see a problem.. Names are overrated.

It says that they are in a relationship, when OP was simply in it for the sex.... One time.

ipodlover1995 0

Wait, if all this was happening on facebook, wouldn't her name be on her account?

ipodlover1995 0

I thought it said, "I don't remember her name". Sorry for my fail. May the thumbs down commence.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Just tell her she's mistaken and deny the whole thing. Totally foolproof.

nollid7 5

Screw that nonsense, give it another go. It's always fun to get another nut if you really want it. But still FYL for having a Facebook lol

Make the status "in an open relationship". Problem solved.

13FTW 9

In this case I think it's "in a civil union with"

A civil union would block the OP, wheras an open relationship would alow them to see other people without consequences, no?

I'd go with "I'm told my short term amnesia is back. Please disregard the previous 48 hours everyone."

yswt 12

Is it really that easy to get into another persons Facebook? you'd think with everyone being hacked Facebook would have some extra security.

WallyTheWombat 0

He probably just left it open or maybe the roomate knows his password?

I was thinking that, but I didn't want to accuse without evidence.