ARE YOU ******* SORRY?

By Evelyn - 19/03/2012 20:18 - United States

Today, I was at the park with my friends. We were all having fun on the swings, when out of nowhere I heard a thud, followed by a child crying. Turns out I accidentally kicked him in the head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 515
You deserved it 7 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

skyeyez9 24

Sounds like It was the kid's fault anyways. You never walk in front of a person while they are swinging.

ipwnallmen 10


Well that's why they always tell you not to go running under swings

jayellef 3

Ha!! The parents fault for not teaching the kids about safety.

That happened to me several times in my childhood. Damn you!

ChubbyNicki 6

Well why was the kid standing there? Was no one there to watch him...?

4wow4 0

Bowling, you're doing it wrong.

Aww, hope the kid was okay. I guess he learned his lesson about watching out for swings. Though FYL as well as his because even if you'd seen him there's probably not a whole lot you could have done to avoid a collision.

Dajucy1 7

It's not like it was on purpose asswipe. I'm pretty sure apologies were paid wherever needed and was in turn not an act of hate

Shut the **** up. The swing can only go in two directions. The kid could've went wherever he wanted. He chose to go in front of the swing.

I remember when I was little I would always stay far away from the swings when people where on them. That kids an idiot.

mrtjawesome 14