At least someone's happy…

By reckless182 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to tell my 10 year-old son that his father and I are getting a divorce. His reply? "Yes! I call living with dad!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 672
You deserved it 13 565

Top comments


Awe, well yeah kids can be pretty harsh.


makes me wonder what kind if mom you were to make him say that.

if he responded like that then I think we know who the problem is.

Your (soon to be ex)husband probably gives him more candy and stuff. If you're the responsible parent where he should live, he'll figure it out soon enough.

ya!, sure I guess thats how some people convince themselves that their not the messed up one.

AJ872 0

And saying stupid things like that are how people like you convince themselves that they aren't the one who is messed up, though they are. I agree with anyone who says the kid probably just prefers his dad. It doesn't mean the mother is a bad mother. Lots of little boys would rather be with their dads at that age, and in many cases, the dad is the "fun parent" which would definitely be more attractive to a little boy. Whatever the case OP, I feel for you. No matter why he said it, I'm sure it still hurt for you to have to hear your son say that.

I said something along those lines as well when my parents told me about their divorce. But I never really thought about how hurtful that could've been coz I was such a young kid. I just thought of myself...... I knew my mum would be a better shopper and let me get away with things more than dad.

Wait, are you saying that he doesnt know who is father is? Poor kid. That tells your lack of, in his life.

Sessee 4

xD I should've done something like that. Too bad my parents divorced when I was two.

evidently the father is more lenient and the kid thinks he'll be able to to what he wants which leads to trouble, jail time and heartache for dad and especially mom who'll lose control somewhere along the way

Jailtime? Let's not jump to conclusions here.

XanimalloverX 0

I Think it's 'his father and I' not 'his father and me'. Use correct grammer OP

Learn to insult people with being a complete hypocrite, you idiot. It's grammAr.

That must have hurt. Bear in mind though, that he's 10 - he doesn't understand what's happening. He probably sees now as 'living with you' because he doesn't see his father as much as you. He probably thinks a change will be exciting and wants to see him more. It's not that he doesn't want to live with you, I bet he'd miss you terribly if he wasn't but he just doesn't realize that because he's only 10. Seeing my dad without my mum there (since them fighting or being tense around each other kind of ruined it) was certainly the silver lining when my parents split up.