Attempted romance

By ItRainedOutside - 06/01/2013 08:49 - United States - Saint Petersburg

Today, after three years with my dream girl, I decided to pop the question by making her complete a scavenger hunt ending in her finding me, suit and everything, by the park bench where we had our first kiss. She came home tired and, instead of following the clues, decided to watch TV all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 541
You deserved it 5 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Great idea but FYL. Maybe next time you should remember to include some motivation.

That sounds like the sweetest proposal ever awww...propose to me, OP :p


If you were my boyfriend, I would've said yes. You sound so sweet and thoughtful!

Hope you weren't standing in the rain to long..

MeowZebraMeow 7

He'll be out in the rain for the rest of his life, if he marries this one.

Loved the idea, sorry she didn't come :(

MeowZebraMeow 7
Iknoweverything 29

I feel really bad for OP, but at the same time, I wonder if they actually ever did scavenger hunts together... my fiance had thought about doing the same, but decided not to, since it wasn't really something that had to do with US. Sorry OP, nobody likes this ending without a yes... but at least it wasn't a no?

mrbobmarley4 8

I think it was very romantic of what you did:)

Maybe you should try something a little more simple :)

I wouldn't go scavenging in the rain either lol

Next time maybe make it easier and shorter? Fyl.dude...

I can't believe how many people are posting that the OP is foolish for trying to propose to his girlfriend this way. It could have been one of the most memorial romantic things ever!!! And she missed the opportunity to witness it. Next thing you know, she'll be bitching about how her boyfriend is never romantic anymore. ***Ask any happily married couple to tell the story of their engagement and they'll beam with joy wanting to share their personal tales. This could have been a great one to hear.