Attempted romance

By ItRainedOutside - 06/01/2013 08:49 - United States - Saint Petersburg

Today, after three years with my dream girl, I decided to pop the question by making her complete a scavenger hunt ending in her finding me, suit and everything, by the park bench where we had our first kiss. She came home tired and, instead of following the clues, decided to watch TV all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 541
You deserved it 5 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Great idea but FYL. Maybe next time you should remember to include some motivation.

That sounds like the sweetest proposal ever awww...propose to me, OP :p


Cute idea OP! Maybe try again? Or propose in a different way! She's a lucky girl since she has a boyfriend who would do all that!

blunttobluntest 12

That was very sweet of you OP! Really, just try again another day. If you're sure she loves you, then she'll say yes right? I'm sorry it rained though, I suggest checking the forecast next time. Or, you can always just keep it simple and get down on one knee! Just don't pause the movie (if she's watching one) to do that though, you may not get the desired response.

Hey, it's better than having her say no

skehar 23

To all of you saying OP should try again another day, you obviously didn't look at his username. FYL OP. Hopefully the rain didn't ruin your suit. Next time try something that doesn't involve her working. It sounds like she does enough of that already.

laya_fml 26

So does the rain ruining his suit mean that he was outside all day just waiting for her to come?

lilmisslovely13 15

27- wherever did you get that idea?

csickcman 11

You should've been more considerate of her work schedule, OP.

Really op, thinking real life could compete with a soap opera.

LMAO! You're a Person Of Interest fan aren't you? That stuff might work in a TV show, but in real life it always backfires invariably.

pl18 10

Fyl op but props for trying to be romantic. If you try it again give a small hint so maybe she'll want to finish the hunt.

andiw 6

You sound like a sweet heart! Good luck op