Back to reality

By Anonymous - 24/12/2012 18:02 - United Kingdom - Saint Neots

Today, as her parents were supposed to be out of town, I stayed over with my girlfriend, and we ended up in bed together. Later on, while poking through the fridge, I heard footsteps, so I said, "Didn't think you'd be walking after that." I closed the fridge and saw her dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 983
You deserved it 28 301

Same thing different taste

Top comments

raycj 1

I bet he'll make sure you won't be walking after that comment!


At least he didn't shoot you. Mid thrust.

You'd better hope that he doesn't have a shotgun

mykelinva 4

How did you get away with a fit in your mouth?

Did you mean fist? And OP never said that he got away

"... And then he punched me in the face. FML"

I don't think her dad would've left you able to do anything after that!

wsdarrah 14

This kind of reminds me of the one FML where the OP whispered, "Who's your Daddy?" while him and his girlfriend were having sex on the sofa and behind him, her dad says, "I am." Ah, this is funny. Made my day, OP. :)

yohooooooo 5

And the one where the girlfriend thought she was yelling out to her boyfriend "damn babe could you not find the hole? I'm covered in cum!" and then turns it out it was her dad coming up the stairs.

Need a proctologist to get that ketchup bottle out of your a$$ ?

And after your balls rose to your face, then what'd he do?