
By Anonymous - 02/07/2012 05:47 - United States - Gainesville

Today, my mother-in-law said I wasn't the type she expected her son to marry, as he's always dated cheerleaders and model types. I must have looked offended, so she added, "I mean they weren't smart like you." So, I might be smart but I'm the ugliest girl my husband has ever been with. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 496
You deserved it 3 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Intelligence and personality are better than looks any day.

AliceLockehart 18

Why do looks matter? As long as your both happy, that's what's important :).


Look up Chaucer's "Wife of Bath" to understand.

So? You don't sound that smart with this kind of FML, to be honest

To be honest, you sound pretty judgemental. I don't see anything on the FML that might mark OP as an unintelligent dumb-****.

I don't think you should be offended. Just because you're not generically good looking, like models and cheerleaders, does not mean that you aren't attractive. There's isn't just one version of what beauty is, it's all about perspective. You should be glad you have a husband who appreciates you for who you are.

At least you know your not boobs for brains... Now-a-days the world needs strong women with right minds.... Seriously look how ****** up it is...(and not that this really matters) I know people who lost there v cards at 13 and they are now strippers :/

Drizzelhell 3

Brains are just as beautiful!!!

Don't go having a heart attack over something this stupid, I'm sure your mother-in-law didn't mean anything by it. She probably knows you're your own brand of beautiful, otherwise her son would never have chosen you. I'm sure your husband thinks your way better-looking than the other girls he's dated. His mom is just pointing out how unique you are, not how ugly. So grow up and get over it.

Your mother-in-law specifically said she was talking about intelligence level rather than appearance and you somehow made the leap to being the ugliest girl he's ever been with? You're lucky enough to have a MIL who thinks highly of you and a husband who valued whatever you offer but go ahead and dwell on this insult you've assigned to yourself instead.

Why so butthurt? Look on the bright side! She's complimenting you on something that wont fade as fast over time.

Botwa 7

I think that the fact that your husband chose you to be his wife speaks louder than words. Who cares what his mother thinks. She should be thankful that she deals with a smart person and not with those who have looks but no intellect at all.

Aquatos 0

I agree with everyone...He chose you over them, your worth more to him then all of his Exs combined..