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By David - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I decided to ride my rusty old bike to work, since it might be good the environment. I was standing up and had a tight grip on the handlebar. The handlebar came off and I fell down onto the crossbar, busting my nuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 839
You deserved it 10 349

Top comments

malikotako 0

At least your intentions were good.

You may have tried to better the world, but the children you could've had won't ever get to see the effects of your hard work. D:


zackk5 0

o.o i misread this. I saw the b in bike as a d..

well it would make sense because "busting a nut" also means to have an ****** lol

You were probably not putting way too much balance on the handle sticks if you immediately got your balls pushed into the seat.

malikotako 0

At least your intentions were good.

this guy is a damn commie. go have tea with al gore you queer.

skullbashd 3

well least you loosing your balls op will help the enviroment

evry1luvspuns 0

Mother nature strikes another man down with a fierce karma balltap

If he was HELPING Mother Nature why would he receive bad karma from her?

:( saving the world is sometimes hard. hope your balls feel better soon.

Hrrm i dont believe him, i believe the painful part but you could just be making the environment thing up to try and draw attention away from the fact that he rode a rusty degraded bike and payed the price for it.

Yeah, they give it a test-ride....and then bust their nuts anyways.

like...lying oh and I hope the OP got a tetanus shot...rusty metal is no joke my friend

mduffy08 8

28... did you really ask how? I have to say like half the FMLs on here are made up. Most are usually possible though.

totallyme247 0

You may have tried to better the world, but the children you could've had won't ever get to see the effects of your hard work. D:

awkwardepicfail 0

Wow OP.. Maybe it's the world telling you to not even try anymore. allmidnighteyes... Your profile in the about you section is kind of a fail. You have a whole part on how there, they're, and their is used and then you start out one of your paragraphs with "They're is no excuse to not know the differences.." Get it right if you're gonna tell other people how to use the words.

ragglefraggle 2

But more people, more chances for someone to grow up smart and save the planet :D

If your nuts are REALLY broken, you can't have kids ... That's a +1 for the environment. Good for you!

noshitsherlock 0

YOU DESERVE IT! Hello, if it's old and rusty, you should've gone for a test-ride before commuting with it!

Raytestrak, He rode his bike to help the environment. but the big winner was the Human Gene Pool!

Disagree. I was using a T bar on a ski slope once and the pole snapped cleanly, sending me off the side of the mountain and straight to hospital with a shattered coccyx. He said the bike was RUSTED, as was the T bar I used. Handlebars and T bars in good nick don't break, but when they're rusted right through they will snap under pressure.

Wouldn't the same thing have happened?

J3553ROCKS 0

This happened to me one time, only I lost three fourths of my chin