
By hoggypig - 23/04/2012 13:00

Today, I was walking across a pedestrian crossing and waved at the driver of the car who'd stopped, just to say thank you. She stuck her middle finger up at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 590
You deserved it 2 891

Same thing different taste

Top comments

siickman 7

Pedestrians first. No one said drivers liked the rule.

What an odd way of saying "you're welcome!" She must be new in town.


Donat96 20

Unfortunately, drivers like these tend to be the norm, rather than the exception. You're lucky the driver let you cross, at the very least.

Where the hell do you live that that's the norm? In my area, drivers like that because it gives them a chance to text.

fernclogger 5

And masturbaters gonna **********! Too far?

And graters gonna grate! 85 - Too far? Not far enough my friend! Keep them coming.

OHai15 12

vaginas gonna vaginate?.......

Ohhhh I was keeping it nice and G-rated. You dirty children!

I definitely flipped a girl off before on my way to class. She was trying to go at a green light when a slow moving blind man was still in the process of crossing. She honked at him to move faster with his cane. How rude! I gave her a one finger salute in his defense. Ps: I thumbed u :)

She was probably riding the cotton pony. Don't worry about it OP.

Maybe the finger is a good thing in her world

68 - Women are from Venus, men are from mars.

hilary56 0

Yeah pedestrians first so she can **** off. Its more important if you get hit than for her car to get a little dent. Lol

mintstashinurtea 5

that's when u start tieing your shoe

My dad told me a story where when crossing a street, the lady in the car started inching forwards. He decided to bend down and tie his shoe. The lady got super pissed. As soon as he finished crossing, she sped off. And hit a car.

mariet_fml 23

So because your dad needed to get petty revenge on a stranger, another stranger had their personal property damaged. Very mature.

The woman should have been a more responsible driver.

Ease off the 'roids 26, you need to chill.

Aww, that's mean! It can be a pain in the ass to wait for pedestrians, but as long as they thank me for stopping then it doesn't bother me. It's the people who just gung-ho right into the street without even checking for cars who deserve to be flipped off. Once some ugly fat lady yelled "BITCH!" right into my window when I got pissed that she just waddled her fat ass into the street without even acknowledging that I was coming right up on her. I wanted to say something really nasty back, but unfortunately my mouth was full of Luna Bar. But yeah, I just want you to know, OP, that I appreciate your understanding! I would NEVER flip you off if you thanked me for letting you cross!

Spit some Luna Bar at her. Maybe she'll think it's poo!

47 - That has got to be the most stupid thing I have ever heard.

Not only would she think I was mentally deranged for having poo in my mouth, she would also be under the impression that whoever's poo it was had very poor digestion. Thanks for the suggestion, though.